Principal Post

Dear Families,
Today being Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This is an important season within the Catholic Tradition. Students attended the Parish Mass at 9am. Lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. It is a time of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter.
We hope that the students enjoyed their 'pancakes' yesterday as they learnt about the tradition of Shrove Tuesday.
Meet & Greet Interviews
The Meet & Greet interviews began yesterday and continue today
Wednesday 22nd February 1.50pm - 7.30pm.
We hope that these interviews gave opportunity for you to talk to your child's teacher(s).
Congratulations to our SRC Representatives
SJV Community congratulates the students elected to be our SRC Representatives for Semester 1.
Please view and read the page in our Newsletter!
Attendance / Punctuality
Just a reminder that students need to be on time and at school very day!! School classes begin at 8:45am. All classrooms are open with teacher supervision from 8:30am .
Parents must ring the school office (84543444) before 9:30am each and every day your child is absent.
We understand that occasionally 'traffic' can cause students to be late. Should a student be late they MUST come to the front office for a Late Pass. They will be marked as late on the Attendance Roll.
Students coming from the back gate must be driven to the front office should the gates be locked.
Open Days & Enrolment (2024)
As parents, you are the greatest advocate for our school. There will be a number of Open Days in terms 1 & 2. The first Open Day for this term will be next Monday the 27th of February. Please spread the word about our school and encourage families to come for a tour.
If you have a child that is coming to St John Vianney's in 2024, PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE TO COLLECT AN ENROLMENT PACK. We would like all sibling enrolment forms to be back by Friday 31st March to assist us with planning.
Pizza with the Principal
We ask that all Foundation Families please save the date for Pizza with the Principal Night on Wednesday 8th March, 6-7pm. This night is an opportunity to enhance family-school partnerships and a great way for families to build relationships with each other. More information to come!
From the office....
It is extremely important that your contact details are up to date with the school office. This includes mobile numbers, work & emergency contacts etc. You can do this by contacting the school office. If there are any court orders, the school MUST have a copy. These must be sent to the Principal via email at
Child Safety
Please ensure you are your child understands the pick up arrangements at the end of each day. With so many students leaving the premises at the same time the school cannot be responsible for who picks up your child. Students will be taken to the office if not picked up by 3.30pm.
PLEASE BE ON TIME as staff have meetings, appointments etc.
It is unsafe to be crossing Police Road at any point other than at lights and with an adult.
- Please DO NOT PARK IN the Presbytery Carpark near our entry/Parish House. In the past, Fr David and Deslene have been blocked in or have returned and can not park.
- Do not park in or over neighbours' driveways in any surrounding street at the back of the school.
- The parking in St Johns Way is 'Kiss & Drop' - do not get out of your car.
- Council inspectors patrolled last week and will return and issue fines to anyone who is infringing any rule.