Class of the week 1/2SM and 1/2 B

On Tuesday 21st of February, we acknowledged Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Tuesday. We celebrated this day by eating pancakes. The children brought their own toppings and enjoyed decorating and eating them of course! Here's what the children had to say...
Mia - “It’s the day before Ash Wednesday.”
Iva - “It’s a special day because we get to eat pancakes.”
Bryan - “ It’s the day before the season of Lent begins.”
Christina - “In the olden days, people weren’t allowed to eat eggs during Lent so people made pancakes so they don’t waste them during Lent.”
Julian - “I enjoyed putting sprinkles on my pancakes.”
Billy - “I loved putting jam on my pancakes. I ate it like a sandwich and it was yummy.”
Ellia & Thomas - “I loved eating my pancake, it was delicious!”
In 1/2B we are learning about feelings and emotions as a part of our Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Being able to read, identify and explain emotions is an important skill to learn and is something that we will use throughout our lives.
Last week we identified different emotions and what they look like when people show them. Check out all our different emotion statues and see if you can guess which emotion we are showing in each picture!
We also talked about different times in our lives when we felt these emotions/feelings. Below are the examples that we came up with!