A note from Mr Jackson

Parent-Teacher Conferences

The Parent-Teacher Conferences held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings were a great experience of collaboration and a reminder of the significant connection between home and school. The evening was a valuable opportunity for our teaching team to get to know the students in their class in greater detail and from a parental/carer perspective. Thanks to the teaching team who stayed late and to our families who joined shared their experiences.


An Invitation to Morning Tea

Next term, we will be conducting our strategic school review. This is a process that seeks to celebrate the school’s achievements, identify the challenges that it is facing and shape a direction for the coming four years.  Over this term, the school will be reflecting on a range of different data points and evaluate the current strategic plan. During this self-assessment period it is hoped that students, staff and our parent community can share their reflections and contribute to the review. 


A range of opportunities and spaces will be made available for parents to contribute their thoughts and ideas to the review. This initial invitation to parents is to join a member of the leadership team for morning tea! This is a chance to share reflections in a non-threatening space. Four morning tea focus groups have been scheduled that will see parents gather in groups associated to their child’s learning area. You are invited to consider your availability and book your place at the morning tea table. It will be a chance to reflect on the school, it’s programmes and culture. The dates and the booking links are listed below.


Prep Parent Morning Tea

Monday 6 March 2023 at 9:00am

Booking Link


1/2 Parent Morning Tea

Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 9:00am

Booking Link


3/4 Parent Morning Tea 

Wednesday 8 March at 9:00am

Booking Link


5/6 Parent Morning Tea

Thursday 9 March at 9:00am

Booking Link


For those who are working and/or not available at these times we are inviting them to an evening forum entitled ‘Parent forum: exploring school values and understanding our school’ on Wednesday 22 March in Chandler Hall at 7:00pm. Bookings will be open shortly. 


We hope to hear all the voices within our community as we take the next step on our educational journey at Rosanna Primary School.


A Reminder: Two Workshops for Foundation and Kindergarten Children


A reminder that our two workshops for parents of Prep students (and those from Kindergartens planning to head to school next year) is coming up. Attached is the flyer! Year 1 parents and carers are invited although much of the content will be repeated from 2022.


Numeracy in the Younger Years

Wednesday 1 March at 7:00pm

Booking Link


Literacy in the Younger Years

Wednesday 8 March at 7:00pm

Booking Link


Feel free to speak with myself or Lynda Whitechurch to find out more about the experience.


Attendance Requirements

Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education, they learn new things every day – missing school puts them behind. 


If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence. This can be quickly completed by logging onto Compass, ringing the office or writing an email to the school or classroom teacher.


Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.


The school will contact parents/carers via an SMS as soon as practicable on the same day of an unexplained student absence.  If your child is absent on a particular day and you have not contacted the school to explain why, the absence will be marked as unexplained. Please ensure that you update your child’s attendance information as soon as you can!


Traffic Congestion

Safety during peak traffic periods in the morning and afternoon continues to be a concern. Our neighbouring streets are narrow and in the hurry for pickups accidents can occur. At this time of year we regularly receive expressions of frustration related to the traffic congestion in our area. 


I encourage all members of our community to take the greatest care in adhering to the parking restrictions and road rules in our local streets. Of particular note, is adherence to the drop off and pickup zone located in Grandview Grove. As these matters are local traffic concerns, I urge families to express their frustration related to parking infringements to the Council. The safety of our community is paramount.


Thanks to those who have taken up the opportunity to park in a nearby street and walk or arrive a little earlier than usual. This is the perfect time to enter into conversations with children as they walk to and from the school gate.


A Hand with Grants!

The School Council are working on several grants for funds to enhance the school property. This includes significant investments in the oval, the amphitheatre outside the lower building and a possible ‘reconciliation space’ towards the front of the school. We are hopeful that there may be someone in our community who would be happy to contribute their skills by taking on some grant writing on our behalf. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to have a word with me.


FORPS Picnic and AGM

They have become a summer festival at Rosanna Primary. Our FORPS team have scheduled a relaxed Friday evening on the oval on Friday 17 March. It is a great space to throw out a rug and simply relax! We are hoping that there might be someone who might volunteer to help out with organising the sausage sizzle. If you are willing to lend a hand, please contact Kim Sinclair (via the office), our FORPS President. 


All our parents are encouraged to be a part of this extraordinary group! Come along to their AGM and not only support the school but build some important connections with other families in our community. The AGM is scheduled for Thursday 23 February at 7:15pm in Chandler Hall.