Hello Families and Friends of St Anthony's,
We’ve had a great start to the term! We’ve enjoyed Year 5/6 Camp at Sovereign Hill, Meet the Teacher conversations, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and much more.
Community Circle
On Monday 27th February I invite all parents to join our first Community Circle for 2023. The Community Circle is a time to join in a community discussion on a topic that is important to St Anthony's. The topic or question for discussion on Monday is “What does every person flourishing and known mean to you?” This is our school mantra and vision and we would like to have input from parents and families on what this means to them and their child/ children.
We will have coffee and tea available and some morning snacks too in the staffroom at 8.50am until 9.30am. You are welcome to stay for a short time or for the full 40 minutes. I look forward to seeing and hearing from you at our first Community Circle.
Drop Off and Pick Up
In order to maintain Child Safety we are making a small change to after school pick up. We now request that all Prep and Year 1/2 students are collected from their classrooms either by an adult or their older siblings. After school pick up is a busy time especially in the Quad and car parks, and we need to ensure the safety of all students. If your child is in Prep or Year 1/2 and they are attending after school care they will be collected from their classroom. A reminder that our school gates do not open until 8.30am. If you need to drop your child off at school earlier than 8.30am then they will need to be taken to before school care as there is no supervision available until 8.30am.
Please use the gate near the playground for access to before and after school care. To book before or after school care visit: https://ylv.com.au/online-vacation-care-booking-form/
A reminder that parents and students should enter the school via the gates and not the new school office.
School pick up is between 3.20pm and 3.35pm and the school gates will close at 3.35pm. Students who remain at school at 3.40pm will be taken to after school care as staff have meetings that they are required to attend and we can not provide supervision for students past 3.40pm. I apologise for any inconvenience and if you have any questions or concerns please contact myself or the school office.
Child Safety involves staff, students, families and communities being informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing. We invite families to have discussions with their child, about safety and what to do if they are feeling anxious. Mr Gow has some information to assist you with this in his Deputy and Student Wellbeing news.
School Advisory Council
This year our School Advisory Council will meet once a month on a Wednesday morning here at school in our staffroom. All parents are welcome to join us to discuss school improvement, Child Safety and to hear about what’s happening at St Anthony’s. We will have tea, coffee and some breakfast for all to share.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Lent calls us to make daily choices that will help us grow in our relationships with ourselves, God and others.
Dear God,
As we enter the Holy Season of Lent we pray you would send your Holy Spirit upon us so that we might prepare ourselves for the coming 40 days of Lent. Help us to humble ourselves so that we can understand the magnificence of Your Love for us.
Open Days at St Anthony's
We are currently taking enrollments for Prep 2024. We have a number of open days coming up during March. A flyer will be coming home for you to share with friends and family. We look forward to having many people visit and see the amazing learning at St Anthony's.
St Anthony’s High Expectations
Each week our student leaders and members of the school leadership team meet to set our High Expectation for the upcoming weeks. Our St Anthony’s High Expectations are to respect yourself, respect others and respect our school. Next week our focus is Respect yourself by wearing the correct school uniform. This means having long hair tied back, wearing your hat when outside and having summer uniform on without coloured tights or leggings.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Erin Nagel
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