From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

LENT - Ash Wednesday Mass 

Fr Paul McCabe congratulated the school on their attendance at the Ash Wednesday Mass last week.  Compliments to the Year 6 students who sat with their Kindergarten Buddies and helped them learn about the Mass. 

Diocesan Swimming Carnival 

Last Friday I was able to attend the Diocesan Swimming Carnival with our swimming squad. A very big congratulations to the 11 children (Mya, Annabelle, Lucy, Violet, Elsie, Harry, Charlie, Isaac, Adam, Aidan, Daniel) who went to the Diocesan swimming carnival in Gunnedah. You  were excellent ambasadors of our school. Thank you to the families for transporting their children to Gunnedah. 


Congratulations to Daniel Ivannikov who is now going to the Polding Carnival for 8 yr Boys 50m Frestyle.

Diocesan Winter Trials

Friday 3rd March - Diocesan Winter Trials (Netball, Rugby League, Hockey & Soccer) will be held in Tamworth.

Thank you to Mr Lester, Mr Garraud & Mrs Walters for organising trials for students to be selected to attend from our Year 5 & 6 students. 

Armidale Show 4th & 5th March

I am looking forward to seeing the class art entries in the Show this year.  Good luck to all of our students and families who are entering events in the show.

Farewell Mass for Bishop Kennedy 

This Sunday the 5th March the Parish will Farewell Bishop Kennedy at the 10am Mass in the Cathedral. Bishop Kennedy will take up the position of Bishop of Maitland /Newcastle Diocese later this month. 

Clean Up Australia Day

St Mary's children will be involved in Clean Up Australia Day by cleaning up the school grounds and the older children will make sure our footpath area on Jessie, Rusden & Dangar Streets are tidy with their teachers. 

Armidale Autumn Festival - 1st April 

The Autumn Festival is coming back after a COVID break! The school will be looking for parents & families a to asssist with our school entry.  Watch for more information on this!

National Young Leaders Conference - Year 6 Captains & Vice Captains

Best wishes to our students attending the National Young Leaders Conference in Sydney on Monday 6th March. I am looking forward to hearing about the conference when you return.  Thank you to the parents for taking the children to Sydney, safe trip.

Year 6 Science & Engineering Day - 7th March

Year 6 have been offered the opportunity to attend the Science & Engineering Day. I am sure they will enjoy the challenges throughout the day!

Year 6 O'Connor STEP Day -14th March

The first STEP Day for 2023 is coming up. I am sure the children will enjoy the many different activities across the different curriculum areas. 

School Cross Country - Monday 3rd April

The school Cross Country will be held at Moran Oval for the Year 2-6 students on Monday 3rd April. The children migt like to start to practice for the cross country. 

P & F 16th March - Beginning of the school year P & F BBQ.

The P&F will be hosting Welcome Sausage Sizzle BBQ on Thursday 16th March starting at 6pm. It will be held on the School Grounds, with entrance being through the Dangar Street gate.   Please bring your chairs, blankets and drinks.


If families would like to make a donation on the night monies will go to CARITAS. 

I encourgae you to come along as this is a great way to meet new families and catch up with existing families.

P & F AGM 22nd March 7pm Staffroom

Please consider being on the 2023 P & F Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, BBQ & Catering.  

Class Parents are also being called for. 


Kindergarten Parent Best Start and Term 1 Parent Interviews

 Thank you to all of the families who attended their child's interview recently. It was an excellent opportunity to meet the teachers and discuss goals for learning. 

International Women's Day 8th March & Breakfast  

The 8th March marks International Women's Day. This day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality across every domain while celebrating women's achievements. Raising awareness about discrimination and taking action to drive gender parity.


NAPLAN Week 8 & 9

NAPLAN testing will take place in Week 8 & 9 of this term. Students in Year 3 & 5 will sit tests for Writing 15th March, Thursday 16th Reading,  Wednesday 22nd Language Conventions and Thursday 23rd Numeracy. Please refrain from making appointments during school time on these tests days. It is important that your child is available on the day unless they are unwell. 


Further information for parents and carers can be found here:


I encourage all parents of students in Years 3 and 5 to explore the Public Demonstration Site with your child (click on button below).  Here you will find sample questions for each of the areas assessed.


Click below to see a short video showing how to navigate the Public Demonstration Site.


Manners Matter 

Manners matter - not just some of the time, but ALL the time. 

Students are encouraged to stop, look at the person speaking and use the person's name to ensure they are using their best manners.