Community Noticeboard

At BBPS we are proud to be part of a thriving local community. This section includes programs, events and other providers who operate in Bayside and surrounding areas.

Brighton Beach Primary School Admissions

Lost World of Leviathans

Extraordinary fossils of Bayside Melbourne

A special presentation by Dr Erich Fitzgerald, a Palaeontologist at Museums Victoria.  

Please support this exciting event by Museums Victoria to learn more about the Bayside fossils.  


When: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Where: Face to Face or online

Time: 6pm - 7.15pm

Price $0 - $12


To make a booking click onto the following link:Museums Victoria event, Lost World of Leviathans


Fossils from one of Australia’s richest fossil sites, reveal large marine animals and a dynamic ecosystem .

For more than 100 years, Melbourne’s Bayside suburb Beaumaris has been known as one of Australia’s richest fossil sites, providing a unique window on Australia’s ancient sea and coastal life of 5–6 million years ago.Yet it is only in the last decade that the true scientific potential of these fossils has begun to be realised.


Join Museums Victoria’s palaeontologist, Dr Erich Fitzgerald, on a voyage across time to the Lost World of Bayside, as he reveals amazing new finds and previews exciting discoveries to come!


Family Life Workshops


Family Life and Stride Education will be giving parents and carers from Bayside and Kingston the opportunity to attend workshops on...

  • Tuesday 22nd March - Creating Confident Teens
  • Tuesday 3rd May - Creating Confident Kids

to better understand and support their children and teenagers.

Mentone Girls Secondary School


UJEB - Jewish Life Program

Brighton Beach JFC


Elsternwick Park Tennis Centre



Ro Sham Bo



Cheltenham Secondary College

White Studio Taekwondo


Morey Tennis

Hampton Rovers



Gnome and Fairy Festival


Hampton and East Brighton Football Club