Student of the Week Awards Presented 10/2/23

Heath E. - 00M

This award is presented to Heath for taking such great care of Dexter over the past week! Dexter’s travel diary was filled with lots of pictures and writing of all the activities you did together. You are a valued class member of Foundation M!

Joe W. - 00M

This award is presented to Joe for being a Foundation Super STAR! Joe has quickly settled into our busy classroom and has made new friends along the way.  Keep up all the great work you are doing Joe!

Maddison S. - 1/2B

This award goes to Maddison for her excellent effort with her maths and learning how to skip count. Maddison has shown great enthusiasm and persistence this week and has had a great start to the year.

Adrian V.  - 1/2C

This award goes to Adrian for the incredible start he has made to Grade 2! Adrian has been displaying the HEART values, following all instructions and trying his best during work time. I am very proud of you Adrian. Keep up the great work!

Tyler S. - 1/2R

Congratulations Tyler for demonstrating an increasing confidence in new and unfamiliar situations and facing challenges with a positive attitude. A fantastic start to the new school year! Well done, Tyler! 

Dante K. - 3/4B

This award goes to Dante for his fantastic attitude towards his learning. Dante has shown all the qualities of a ‘Good Mathematician’ by challenging himself and trying his best. He chose to extend himself and learn more about decimals! Keep up the wonderful work!

Oscar O. - 3/4K

This award goes to Oscar for his outstanding display of perseverance. This week in maths, he was determined to solve a problem and when he finished he proudly declared, “I achieved my learning goal!” Well done Oscar on this wonderful attitude you are showing!

Savannah L. - 3/4S

This award goes to Savannah for being an active participant in class discussions. Savannah is answering questions and volunteering information to show that she understands what we are learning. Savannah, it is wonderful to see you so excited about your learning. Well done.

Ella K. - 5/6D

Ella is to be congratulated for demonstrating the HEART value of Excellence this week. She has worked productively throughout each given task and has shown initiative towards her learning. Well done Ella! This year will be a successful one for you. Keep it up!

Mohammad K. - 5/6W

This award goes to Mohammad for being a wonderful Buddy to Harry. Over the last two weeks, it has been wonderful to see Mohammad develop his skills as a Year 6 Buddy and display incredible kindness and support to Harry both inside and outside of the classroom. Wonderful effort Mohammad! I am very proud of you.

 Kabir N.  - Performing Arts

Congratulations Kabir for achieving the Performing Arts Award. You are playing the G chord with fluency and accuracy. You also learned the 332 rhythm and played it very naturally. Well done.

5/6D - Visual Arts

This award goes to 5/6D for the wonderful way they worked together to create their class ‘FRAME-UP’. Rather than paste their frames to create an abstract design, the students brainstormed ideas and decided to create buildings with their square and rectangle frames. Your work, effort and collaboration was magnificent 5/6D!

Beaux W. - Mandarin

This award acknowledges and congratulates Beaux on his origami to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. Beaux was confident when making the paper rabbit. Well done on your effort, Beaux!