Digitech and eSafety News

Congratulations To Our 2023 Digitech Leaders

I would like to congratulate our new DigiTech Leaders for 2023.  Not only will they help with technology in the classroom, they will be learning new things in Digital Technologies to bring to our school.

Spotlight: Creating a Family Technology Agreement


It’s been a massive couple of years for technology in schools as we have navigated the challenges and successes of 'Remote and Flexible Learning'. In 2023, Scoresby will continue its commitment to equipping students with the knowledge and strategies they need to be safe and responsible digital citizens. We have kicked this off by celebrating Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February, and look forward to continuing our fantastic partnerships as an eSmart School.


As we begin a new year, classes are having great discussions about responsible technology use and are developing their understanding of our Acceptable Use Agreement appropriate to their year level. These agreements help students to understand Scoresby’s expectations and how to use technologies at school in safe and responsible ways. 


Just as we create technology agreements at school to begin the year, we also highly recommend that families create their own Technology Agreements at home too. The eSafety Commissioner has developed an excellent resource for families to guide you in having these meaningful conversations with your children. When the whole family is involved in discussing and creating your agreement, your children are enabled to clearly understand your expectations and consequences for their actions as well.


You can find the eSafety Guide to "Creating a family tech agreement"** here: Family tech agreements | eSafety Commissioner  


**While recommended for ages 5-8, this guide is a terrific resource for launching conversations with all primary aged students.