"Many Wolves .... One Pack"

Term 1 - Week 5

Last Thursday at the Principals meetings in Gunnedah a new diocesan prayer was launched. This prayer is another step towards Diocesan Schools becoming an authentic system of schools, particularly in our prayer life.


The launch was a culmination of work, including a competition where students from our 24 schools were asked to submit entries. Over 250 entries were submitted, including 66 from St Nicholas Primary school. All of these prayers have now been collated in a new publication. This publication will be placed in our St Nicholas School Library.

Congratulations to the students of St Mary’s College, Gunnedah, who submitted the winning entry:

The Diocesan Prayer will be coming home with every child on an individual prayer card today.


Ash Wednesday

Yesterday we embarked together on a journey of Lent. Lent is a time of self-discovery. During our Lenten experience, we pray more, eat less of certain foods, and give to the poor to prepare ourselves. We must prepare our hearts and minds. We need to strengthen our good habits as we remain God’s sons and daughters through the water of baptism.


During our Eucharistic service yesterday for Ash Wednesday, we were marked with cold ashes in the Sign of the Cross as a reminder that we are entering Lent. The sign reminded us of our humanness and that sometimes we fail. We need God’s help to succeed.


We need your help

We are very fortunate at St Nicholas that our staff entered the education sector for the right reason, they want to help young people. Conversely, as a paid professional, I have high expectations of our staff and they are required to meet the System's Code of Conduct in every aspect of their practice.


The code of conduct addresses the way staff are required to communicate, “acting with courtesy and respect towards students, workers and members of the school community” (pg 8).


Today I write to seek parents' support and understanding in ensuring courtesy and respect is replicated by our school community towards St Nicholas staff. 


If parents have a concern, you are encouraged to contact the school and seek clarification, support and/or understanding. I ask that “courtesy and respect be the basis of all communication and interaction with the school” (Positive Partnerships Commitment, paragraph 6).


At St Nicholas we seek “sensible and considered adults working together to promote safety and increase the chances of success” (Positive Partnerships Commitment, paragraph 3).



The Covid pandemic has changed aspects of our schools. Restrictions prevented certain traditions and have certainly affected the way schools operate. One positive from Covid, schools like St Nicholas took the opportunity to reflect on our daily practices and not simply rush back to every aspect of the pre-covid school day.


One of these practices has been the Friday afternoon Assembly. Predominantly an award assembly where students are required to sit quietly around a culture of compliance. This is in contrast to our daily mindset of engaging our children.


One aspect of not having assemblies has been a limitation for parents in terms of not being able to come into the school. This goes against our culture of developing a quality partnership with our parents.


To support our parents and provide opportunities to enter the school more regularly, St Nicholas will be introducing a Friday morning (8.15am-8.45am) each term where parents are encouraged to join their son and/or daughter in the classroom. Students will have the opportunity to showcase to their mum and/or dad something they are proud of. More details to follow.


Kindergarten 2024

Kindergarten 2024 enrolments are open and have been steadily submitted. St Nicholas continues to be an educator of choice for the Tamworth district and positions are in demand. Siblings of students have priority and I can guarantee their enrolment if their forms are submitted by the closing date. After this date, late applications may be confined to a waiting list. Closing date for Kinder 2024 enrolments is Monday 3 April 2023.


I urge any current parent with a child starting school in 2024 to please ensure your application is submitted to St Nicholas by Monday 3 April.


Have a great week


John Clery
