
Home Reading Tips
Make it a routine Find a quiet, comfortable spot that is the go-to reading spot with your child. it’s about finding the right time for you and your child. Whether it be just before they go to bed, as soon as you get home from school or first thing in the morning… whatever works for you and your family!
Make it enjoyable
Reading is meant to be a fun, enjoyable time with your child. We want to develop and instill a love of reading. Change your voice to suit character dialogue, act out the story, laugh along with the book and show your child how much fun it is to become engrossed in a story.
Involve your whole family
The more people read to your child, the more literacy experiences they will be exposed to. Everyone tells a story in a different way. Involve siblings, grandparents, family friends, grandparents in your child’s reading journey.
Reading not only improves your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can reduce stress and improve your mental health.