Principal's Report

Dear Families,
We have now come to the end of Week 6 today and we are pleased with the way in which we have all settled into the routines of the 2023 school year. Our foundation/prep students have settled in remarkably well and on my visits to their classrooms they demonstrate the dispositions of happy and engaged learners.
Learning gains are made through small daily effort. Our students are well supported by their teachers and ES staff to achieve their very best and I am very proud of all their efforts.
Last Friday we had a big day with our practice Fire Drill and our special Ice-Cream Day fundraiser. The Fire Drill went extremely well and our students followed the instructions of their teachers and adults.
Thank-you to all our families for the conversations that you have had or are currently having to unpack these drills so that our students feel fully supported. On the same day our students enjoyed Ice cream Day through the efforts of our PCA. The fundraiser raised a total of $1,025.82! Thank you to our PCA and all our volunteers for your efforts in bringing smiles to our children’s’ faces whilst raising money for our school.
Thank-you to:
- Tara Chandrasegran
- Louise Cashen
- Kate Topp
- Rebekah Cullinan
- Kylie Smith
- Fiona Cordon
- Briony Van Berlo
- Lana Van Berlo
- Jayde Lambert
- Tanya Sheehan
- Keyma Vasquez
- Rachael Sinfield
- Kylie Hodor
- Katherine Thorn
Tara has communicated to us that she and her family will be moving suburbs therefore her son Logan will be attending a school closer to their new home. We are very sad to see Tara and Logan leave us.
Tara has enthusiastically and capably led the PCA throughout the 2022 school year and into the 2023 school year. As the PCA President she has overseen and led many fundraisers and raised a great deal of money for our school. Through Tara’s leadership we have been able to raise funds for all the line marking that has been painted throughout our school grounds. These line markings include activities for children to enjoy during their break times. In addition, money raised by our PCA will go towards our new sports uniforms.
Tara led the PCA through the challenges of COVID_19 and our return to onsite learning. This was tricky as we adjusted to our new normal and rules around events. Despite the challenges Tara remained positive, creative and determined to do the best by our school and community. Tara was also a valued member of our School Council and contributed her ideas and thoughts towards improving our school. We wish Tara and her family all the very best.
We extended the nominations closing date for School Council nominees to Monday 6th of March, 2023. Thank-you to the parents/carers who have put their names forward, greatly appreciated. We will announce the new school council next week, after the closing date for nominations.
Should the school receive more than four parent nominations, the school will hold a ballot where the families of the school will vote.
The $25,000 grant we received last year for our new shade sail has now been finalised through its instalment on our school grounds, between Building A and Building B. This new shade sail adds an area for our students to be out of the sun and enjoy quiet, down time.
The works on our roof maintenance in Building A have begun. Our year three and four classes have settled well into their temporary spaces whilst the works take place. Mrs Tabone is doing a brilliant job taking Visual Arts straight into classrooms during the works. Our teachers and students have shown true resilience throughout this time and I thank them for their support and understanding.
Our 2024 Prep Tours and Information sessions will occur on the following dates:
- Thursday 30th March 11:30am
- Monday 3rd April 6pm
If you know of friends, family or neighbours who have children starting school in 2024 please let them know of the above dates and ask them to book in a time through our front office.
Thank-you to all our families for the ways in which you support our children to come to school ready to learn. I continue to be impressed with the care and effort our families put in to ensure children are attending school every day. Keep up the excellent work.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
Acting Principal
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.