Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.


Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.


PANate SkrzelinskiFor consistently trying his best and following all the classroom routinesIsabella Barwick 
PBOllie BurrowsFor being a good role model and always trying his best Ken Morgan
PCEmma HolstFor always demonstrating positive school valuesCooper Sinclair
1ALucas SchmidtFor always following our Class Essential Agreement and being a fantastic role modelTaleah Stallbaum
1BArchie EnnisFor always being focused and demonstrating a positive attitude to learningAmber Lambert
1CMia BereshnyjFor showing great effort during writing and trying her best Lincoln Otteraa
2AHunter EllissFor being positive, happy and motivated to take on new tasks and challengesSophie Hallaran
2BAngus GrahamFor striving to challenge himself as a learner and persist with a growth mindsetGeorgia Balmer
2CBillie CarrollFor making dramatic  improvements in regards to effort in writing Hunter Villinger
3/4ATilly KendallFor being an exceptional role model to her peers, and completing all her work to a high standardRyan Holst
3BHudson IsherwoodFor being positive and motivated to take on new tasks and challengesWren O’Connell 
3CAlex Altieri For making amazing improvements when creating analogue and digital times to the minute Willow Murphy
4BCooper AdamFor having a positive attitude to learning and working responsibly with his peers.Amber Stevens
4CAngus Perryman For striving to challenge himself as a learner and putting in 100% when attempting new learning tasks.Toby Bussinger
5ALachlan RobertsonFor outstanding and effort and progress in mathsLily O’Doherty
5BDana XieFor always putting in 100% when attempting new learning tasksBronte Graf
5CBraxton BradleyFor constantly having a fantastic attitude towards his learningMadison Pummeroy
5/6DAva HalloranFor working hard on both her class project and discovery draft in writingTJ Lambert
6BShelby PepperkampFor demonstrating a fantastic attitude towards tasks and being a kind class member Ava McClurkin
6CThomas MarkmannFor demonstrating a keen understanding of persuasive devices Zachary Topp