Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Nate Skrzelinski | For consistently trying his best and following all the classroom routines | Isabella Barwick |
PB | Ollie Burrows | For being a good role model and always trying his best | Ken Morgan |
PC | Emma Holst | For always demonstrating positive school values | Cooper Sinclair |
1A | Lucas Schmidt | For always following our Class Essential Agreement and being a fantastic role model | Taleah Stallbaum |
1B | Archie Ennis | For always being focused and demonstrating a positive attitude to learning | Amber Lambert |
1C | Mia Bereshnyj | For showing great effort during writing and trying her best | Lincoln Otteraa |
2A | Hunter Elliss | For being positive, happy and motivated to take on new tasks and challenges | Sophie Hallaran |
2B | Angus Graham | For striving to challenge himself as a learner and persist with a growth mindset | Georgia Balmer |
2C | Billie Carroll | For making dramatic improvements in regards to effort in writing | Hunter Villinger |
3/4A | Tilly Kendall | For being an exceptional role model to her peers, and completing all her work to a high standard | Ryan Holst |
3B | Hudson Isherwood | For being positive and motivated to take on new tasks and challenges | Wren O’Connell |
3C | Alex Altieri | For making amazing improvements when creating analogue and digital times to the minute | Willow Murphy |
4B | Cooper Adam | For having a positive attitude to learning and working responsibly with his peers. | Amber Stevens |
4C | Angus Perryman | For striving to challenge himself as a learner and putting in 100% when attempting new learning tasks. | Toby Bussinger |
5A | Lachlan Robertson | For outstanding and effort and progress in maths | Lily O’Doherty |
5B | Dana Xie | For always putting in 100% when attempting new learning tasks | Bronte Graf |
5C | Braxton Bradley | For constantly having a fantastic attitude towards his learning | Madison Pummeroy |
5/6D | Ava Halloran | For working hard on both her class project and discovery draft in writing | TJ Lambert |
6B | Shelby Pepperkamp | For demonstrating a fantastic attitude towards tasks and being a kind class member | Ava McClurkin |
6C | Thomas Markmann | For demonstrating a keen understanding of persuasive devices | Zachary Topp |