Deputies Report

What a busy start to 2023 and the 3 of us are working closely together to make sure we work with all the students at Armidale secondary college so that we embody in all we do our 3 core expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.  This term we are starting back with full school assemblies in the MPC, and these will be wonderful celebrations of learning run by the faculties. Already the science faculty has host one and this week we all look forward to PDHPE hosting and celebrating the many student successes at the recent swimming carnival.


Yondr pouches

Our focus this term is very much on making sure learning is happening with no distractions from social media . We understand that mobiles have great utility, but mobile phone use has increasingly become a source of distraction, antisocial behavior, and conflict both at home and at school. We will be  making sure all our students are using their Yondr pouches  ASC students are be expected to have their mobile phone secured in their pouch for the duration of the school day. 

No un-pouched device is permitted on school grounds during school hours, and this includes on excursion. there are many unlocking stations around the school if students need to unlock. 

We know some families and students will need to have access to their phones and there will exemptions granted for either family or medical issues. A small number of students will be exempt from having to use a Yondr Pouch for all or part of the day, however these students will be required to keep their phone out of view and on silent at all times. 

Students who may seek exemptions include: 

  • Students who use a mobile phone in managing a medical condition such as diabetes or a disability. 
  • Students with an Educational Support Plan that specifies the use of a mobile phone in class is required in supporting the students learning. 
  • An exemption to support a significant issue generally around a student’s safety or supporting an ill parent or carer where contact is extremely necessary. 



When requesting an exemption, families will need to contact the appropriate year deputy to apply in writing for an exemption.

The  Show

Next weekend is the Armidale show, and this is a great community event for Armidale. Many students will be competing in it - we wish them the very best of luck. If your event is on during school time, please make sure you let the school know before you compete, We would like to remind out students who are attending to be safe and to have a great time. Any negative issues at the show must not to come to school after the show. 


                                                                                                                                         Deputy Principal

                                                                                                                                   Sarah Travis- 7 & 10

                                                                                                                            Sarah Mills- Year 8 & 11

                                                                                                                  Susan Hoddinott- Year 9 &12