Catholic Identity 

Sacrament Dates for 2023

Confirmation -  Sunday 14th May

First Eucharist - Sunday  11th June

First Reconciliation is to still be determined

St Patrick's Day 17th March MUFTI, Liturgy and Activities.

Eagerly looking forward to St Patrick's Day this year.  Mr Niemerg and the Year 5/6 Students are getting ready to host the 2023 St Patrick's Day events at St Mary of the Angels.

Students will be able to wear St Patrick's Day inspired MUFTI clothes for a gold coin donation, which will go towards our Caritas Collection.

Our Year 6 leaders will head to classes to collect this from students on the morning of the 17th March.

Year 5/6 students will also prepare St Patrick's Day inspired Morning Tea which will be sold at recess.  These will be $1:00 each and may include green cupcakes, green popcorn, green jelly, green pancakes, green cookies...etc... please note there will be allergy aware products as well.

Our students will then celebrate a Whole School Liturgy at 12:30pm in the Parochial Hall, hosted by our senior leaders.

Shrove Tuesday 

Thank you to Year 5/6 and Mr Niemerg for all of their hard work serving up the Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Delicious was an understatement.  $110 was raised from this for Project Compassion. Well done to all  of our students for this great effort & the SMOTA staff for cooking!