Pastoral Care News

This week we would like to thank everyone who donated to our term 1 initiative; which saw us raising funds to support the koala bears and bees which had been impacted by the horrific fires earlier in the year. Many had experienced devastating injuries and their natural habitats were lost, jeopardizing their very existence in some locations. Due to unforeseen circumstances however, our activity was cut short but we manage to raise over $2000. Special mention must be given to Miss Covell and her 9:4 homeroom for their incredible effort of raising $210.05. The funds will be distributed and further details included in the next edition of our newsletter. Miss Covell and her class will receive a prize to be enjoyed by the entire class when they transition back to school in the near future.

2020 has most definitely been a very different year!!! A year full of new challenges, new experiences, new working practices as well as, new opportunities. To teem with that theme, over the next few weeks the COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM will be launching their term 2 activity and competition “BE YOU” The concept is simple; over the remainder of the term we encourage students and staff alike to push themselves to step outside their comfort zone and learn a new skill. Evidence will be recorded and the most impressive acquisition of skills will have the opportunity to win great prizes including community cash and vouchers to be used at local businesses. (Life will return to normal post Corona).


One such skill could be to learn how to knit. We will be collecting squares to join together to make blankets/ wraps which will be donated to those in need. To assist you we will have some kits available with simple instructions, knitting needles and a ball of yarn to get you started. The more squares, the more opportunity to win great prizes as well as more blankets to be donated. The kits will be available for collection in clearly marked tubs at the front office OR contact me for more details. You are more than welcome to provide your own as well.

Perhaps, learning a musical instrument, a language or a new sporting activity is more your thing…………………… are only limited by your imagination and your inability to believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.


Perhaps if you are passionate regarding the environment you may wish to continue the great work, we have been doing at school in recycling our water bottles with funds being given to CAREVAN. Now, more than ever community activities such as this need our support. Create a recycle program at home and access either of the “Return & Earn “sites where you can nominate Carevan as the recipient of your generous donation. Take a photo and include this when you submit your entry to Mr Neville.

Forms and additional instructions will be emailed to students and staff early next week.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require assistance or support at the moment and in particular, if you require winter uniform items.  The cooler weather has most definitely arrived and the transition period will allow us to organize what is required.

Finally, this week I would like to remind everyone that whilst change can be daunting, stressful and even frightening it also gives us the opportunity to grow as a person. We cannot go back to the person we were before. I personally found the time spent in social isolation a great time to reflect and become perhaps more grateful for the things that really matter in life that we often take for granted; family and friends. I hope that this week end you get to spend precious time with both.

Stay safe, stay warm and stay happy.


Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)