Physical Education

Primary Interschool Sport November 2019

Interschool Cricket

Congratulations to both of our Year 5 and Year 6 Cricket Gala Day teams who competed in their district tournament this term. One of our Year 5 and Year 6 teams managed to go through the tournament undefeated and placed 3rd due to overall run count. Well done to all students involved for competing so well on the day.


Year 5 & 6 Cricket Teams

Alejandro Y, Rohan M, Alex M, Kaylin A, Tarik B, Adriel Y, Samuel A, Darcy C, Harry D, Jacob C, Antonio M, Manaan B, Daniel J, Luke R, Mason G, Oliver K, Joel G, Kyan C and Cruz S.


Thank you to our Year 8 Assistant Coaches for their expertise on the day:

Bailey S, Cooper C and Ryan P.






Primary Interschool Orienteering

Congratulations to our Primary Orienteering Team who competed in the Eastern Zone of the Victorian Primary Schools Orienteering Championships recently. Aitken College achieved a commendable 5th place overall out of 14 schools competing on the day. Special mention goes to Alex M and Kaylin A who won the Year 6 pairs and to Harry D and Harry R who won the Year 5 pairs. Congratulations to all 53 students for competing so well and thank you to Mrs Dowling and Mrs De Lacy for their contribution to a successful day.


Harry & Harry
Alex & Kaylin
Harry & Harry
Alex & Kaylin

Mr Nigel Keegan

Primary Sports Coorindator