Pastoral Care and


“You Are What You Post!”


During November we are focusing on Social Media Awareness, providing information, education and support around Social Media use and its impact (both positive and negative).

In conversations with young people, a focus on the acronym THINK can assist and support their social media literacy and choices.

THINK - Before you post or send please consider, is it:






Please have regular conversations with your students around social media, their use, their favourite Apps, what they love about social media and any challenges they have.

Also encourage your students to check and monitor their phone use, which is available on their phones as a breakdown of how much time they spend and what they mostly spend their time on.

Remember to empower students to block and report, and familiarise themselves with the eSafety Commissioner website:

If you or your student have questions regarding this, please encourage them to speak to their Learning Mentors, House Leaders, Jo Giudice and Francis Lias (Social Workers) or email Safety.




Please ensure your student is in full uniform each day. Students are only permitted to wear Sports Uniform on the days they have this subject. Students who are consistently out of uniform will be followed up, phone contact home will be made and consequences put in place until this is rectified. If you need assistance with uniform items, please contact Mrs Rachelle Chapman.




Mobile phone use should be limited at school. Phones are not to be visible or used in class, unless otherwise specified. Teachers may collect phones at the beginning of the lesson, or ask students to ensure they are in bags.

If you need to contact your student, please call the Front Office to do so.