Community Events

Junior Youth

GGLC Event

Golden Grove Amateur Fishing (GGAF)

Salisbury Lutheran Kindergarten


Relationship Retreat Day

How do couples stay connected?

What happens when things go wrong?

What do relationships need to stay healthy and thrive?

Enrich and celebrate your unique connection

For more information, please open the pdf.

Organ Tuition is now available

Zion Glynde Lutheran Church has an exciting instrument on which to learn to play the organ ...and to teach!


If you have proficient piano skills, then you have the basis for developing excellent skills on the organ.


 I teach using a recognised manual called “TheFirst Year at the Organ" by Bell and Stainer.

I provide one-hour lessons, a written lesson plan and most of the extension music required.


If you are inspired, please contact me to arrange a 'date' at the organ.


Joy Mildren 


Zion Lutheran Church, 15 Glynburn Road, Glynde.

0458 650 135


Centrecare Courses

Centrecare is running the following courses for parents and carers:

  • How to Talk so Kids Will Listen
  • Developing Resilience
  • Inside Their Heads
  • What to Do When Kids Push Their Buttons