Engagement and Wellbeing 

Process For Essential Visits Onsite - Sign In and Out

We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for remaining off our site unless absolutely necessary. We know that many of you have questions that need answering, payments to be made and would just generally like to connect with teachers and have found other means (Over the phone and Webex) to work through these. So from all staff… Thank you for helping to keep us all safe and to physically distance ourselves.

Of course, there are still times, where parts of our community (including parents) will still need to come into our office area. If this is the case for your family, please:

  1. Stop at the entrance at either campus and call the phone number provided to explain your inquiry. Please don’t be taken back if the office staff ask you a few questions, they’ll be doing that for everyone’s safety.
  2. When coming onsite, walk directly to the office area and sanitise your hands using the sanitiser provided on the external table.
  3. Sign yourself in and then wait patiently (keeping physical distancing in effect at all times). Please note that regardless of how long your visit is, we are required to keep a log of all visitors to our premises for contact tracing purposes.
  4. Once attended to, sign yourself out and depart using the front entrance.

Please note: Only visitors who are well should attend onsite. If unwell, please stay off site and call the office for assistance. 

The Use of Face Masks

Over the past week we have seen more updates from the Premier and Chief Health Officer relating to the use of face masks in regional Victoria. It is becoming clear that the wearing of face masks is going to become more common in the community including in schools.  Obviously it is completely fine for your child to come to school in a mask.


Regardless of whether your child attends school with a mask, please take a little time over the coming days to discuss this change in our community with your child. Helping them to understand why people may use face masks (e.g high risk family members, looking out for others in the community, etcetera) will help shape acceptance and tolerance of others

For further information on the use of face masks from Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, please visit:


For further information on the use of face masks from Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, please visit:


New Gate and Fence Signage

Many families would have already noticed that we have upgraded our signage around the boundaries of our school relating to COVID19. Given the weather that these signs have to endure and the duration that they need to be visible, we felt that this was worthwhile in doing to ensure that our health and safety messages remain prominent and at the forefront of everyone’s mind. If the chance arises, please discuss these with your child on a level appropriate to them so that they understand that they’re there to keep everyone safe.

Changes to Friday’s Broadcast - Pre-Recording Now in Effect

Over our time in remote learning and throughout our return to school, we have been working hard to provide regular updates from our school (along with the sharing and celebration of student achievements) through our Friday broadcasts. During this whole process we have experienced various levels of success with streaming out to our audience, and given the fact that we are still having some difficulties with this, have made the decision to move to a more pre-recorded model going forward.


This model will allow us to engage more student teams, staff and leadership with key pre-recorded messages and will enable families to watch a smoother production without the difficulties associated with streaming live (lags, tech issues, etcetera). 


The link to the broadcast will still be provided at 2:15pm each Friday, where all families, classes and students currently off site can watch for updates and news from around the school. Please keep an eye on Compass for the link to these going forward.

Award Winners for Term 3, Week 1

Congratulations to our ABC and ROCCH Award winners from last week! We’re proud of the great work you have been doing as you have returned to school for Term 3. Keep it up and we can’t wait to see who receives the awards for this week.


Please click on the Powerpoint below to see the full list of winners from last week.


Act Of Kindness Award