Wellbeing Officer

Anxiety management information...


Hello Families,


Some of us are no strangers to anxiety. Anxiety is our response to a perceived threat. Unfortunately for some of us, we may have more anxiety than others and this can start to impact on our ability to enjoy and participate fully in life.  Anxiety can be best described as a combination of unwanted thoughts and feelings and is often unexpected.  It is more than just being stressed or worried about something.  Some anxiety and stress is a common response to a particular situation where a person feels under pressure, but these feelings usually pass once the stressful situation is over or ‘stressor’ is removed. 


Below is some information on ARCVic (Anxiety Recovery Centre of Victoria) and their upcoming workshops.  Their anxiety workshops provide various public information evenings and workshops for parents, teachers and health professionals for early detection, diagnosis and treatment of people of all ages with OCD and Anxiety Disorders. The workshops aim to increase community awareness, provide information and practical support strategies for people to become more informed and motivated to access appropriate help early, and prevent chronic mental health issues. 


Workshop topics include: 

  • Developing an Anxiety Toolbox 
  • safeTALK Suicide Awareness Workshop
  • ASIST Workshops
  • Understanding your child’s emotions
  • Understanding your child’s anxiety

The second attachment is a flyer for a screening of the film 'Screenagers'. A thought provoking documentary that looks at social media, gaming, and the possibilities in exploring a healthy life balance for our young people. 


Thinking of you all. I hope that you are all doing ok in this season.


Warm regards,


Wellbeing Officer