Faith, Justice and Formation 

Earth Hour 2022 

This Sunday is the worldwide event, Earth Hour, which reminds us of the amount of power we use and thus the carbon footprint we leave behind. Each year we are called to turn off the lights and all electrical devices for an hour, from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM, as a way of reducing our carbon usage and reminding us that we can go without at times. 


No matter how big or small the action, every bit counts. We just need to ensure that we are making some effort as per the positional statement below. 


11. We will make a difference: 
We are optimistic that our efforts will not only significantly reduce the ecological footprint of the EREA network, we are also confident our endeavours will light the way for others who share our care for our common home. (Ask the earth and it will teach you, EREA Climate Justice Statement 2021).


Get involved if you can! Get the candles out and be creative! Check out some facts, figures and suggestions at Earth Hour 2022 - Earth Hour . We will be having our own Earth Hour at the College on Friday – turning off the devices and the lights and just learning together. 

No SOL Service points for Earth Hour this year; it’s just the right thing to do, so get on board. 


The SPC Justice Co-Curricular Teams (JSJ, FIAT & SJAG)