Physical Education Focus

Swimming Carnivals
District Swimming Carnival
On a sunny Thursday, it was District Swimming Carnival for a collection of 21 of our Year 4 – 6 students at the Fitzroy swimming pool – an event in which they swam against different local school students. Our students were fantastic representatives of Fairfield Primary School throughout the day. They showed great school spirit, worked well in their teams, participated to their best ability, came back with lots of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners’ ribbons, and most importantly had a great time.
Division Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday 1 March, a group of our Year 4 – 6 students competed in the Division Swimming Carnival, at WaterMarc Swimming Centre, against a range of different schools. True to their District form, the students competed admirably and were great representatives for our school. Next stop is Regionals for our swimmers!
A special thank you to all our volunteer parents, we appreciate the support. It's also great to have our parent spectators back at our events again!
Interschool Sports
Our Year 6 students have now had the opportunity to compete in rounders, softball, and tennis, against two schools (Pender’s Grove PS and Bell PS) so far this year. The students have been great sports, have had fun engaging in these team sports with their friends, and have loved playing against different schools again. Next week we're playing against St Joseph's PS at home.
Physical Education Lessons
During term one, the Foundation – Year 2 students have engaged in a range of fun activities focused on the fundamental motor skills of jumping, throwing, and catching. These activities have included underarm and overarm beanbag throwing games, and obstacle course adventures. Furthermore, these games have focused on promoting the skills of listening, teamwork, turn taking, and the values of fairness and honesty.
The Year 3/4 students have engaged in activities aimed at promoting their developing ball striking and ball control, as well as their throwing and catching skills. These activities have included, but are not limited to, the game of rounders and a hockey obstacle course activity.
The Year 5/6 lessons have also been focused on the skills of striking a ball, as well as throwing and catching. These skills have been promoted through games of T-ball and European handball.
~ Tom Pinchen-Hogg, Physical Education & Sports Teacher