School Council Report

Welcome Back to School Council for 2022!
It’s wonderful to see the kids running around the playground this year and, as a council, it was great to be able to meet face-to-face once again. We’re looking forward to welcoming some new members after the recent School Council nominations and to planning some great events as we get back to a more normal way of life.
After the turbulence of the past couple of years, the Council met on 21 February and were very pleased to be able to approve the upcoming Year 4 and 6 school camps. This is especially exciting for our Year 6 cohort who have not yet had the chance to experience an FPS school camp. Several councillors have children attending one of the camps and they are all excited to be able to take part.
The community committee has rebranded themselves as the Social Club and are keen to expand! Anyone interested in having a say on events and community activities around the school is very welcome to come along to any of the future meetings. They’ll be focussing on building connectedness in our school community and getting our events back on track! We have a lot of great dates to look forward to this year – from the upcoming Welcome Picnic (featuring the fabulous Double Denim) to our annual Trivia Night, and of course the wonderful Art4All. It’s always great to hear new ideas so if anyone’s interested in getting involved – in particular with Art4All – look out for the next Social Club meeting date on the school calendar.
Our solar array on the gym roof is now up and running thanks to the hard work of Andrew Vance and all the members of the Building and Grounds Committee. This means our school is now effectively carbon neutral! An amazing achievement and a great example of the parent contributions to the school Building Fund in action. A shade sail is also being installed in the Fig Tree Courtyard which will add to this already wonderful new space.
As always, School Council is committed to finding ways of bringing us all together on a variety of different levels. Please do not hesitate to talk to your School Council representatives if you have anything you want to discuss about FPS. All school council meeting minutes are posted to the school website.
Sarah Glass, FPS School Councillor and Secretary