Harmony Day

Celebrating Harmony Day
Fairfield Primary School will be celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday 17 March.
Harmony Day is about celebrating cultural diversity and promoting the message that 'everyone belongs'. Students will also be encouraged to wear orange, the official colour of Harmony Day. There are two main events that will be occurring to celebrate this day: Year 6 students will host lunchtime activities for students across the school.
- Some of the activities will include opportunities to create paper chain people, design your own flag and do a scavenger hunt.
- Further information, including a map and a comprehensive list of activities, will be provided to students closer to the date.
In addition, a group of Year 6 students have written a proposal for a school fundraiser fun run.
- Students across the school can make a gold coin donation to Save the Children Fund.
- The fun run will take place at school with Foundation – Year 3 students doing laps of the oval. Students in Years 4 – 6 will run the school cross country course (on the school grounds).
Please note, students will still be able to participate in the fun run and lunch time activities even if they do not make a donation.
See you in orange!