Principal's Report

Acting Assistant Principals
With the news that Sarah Abbott will be on leave until the end of term, I can announce that Daniel Arnavas and Nicole Rettke will take on the roles of Acting Assistant Principal during this time.
Daniel (Year 6 teacher and Numeracy Learning Specialist) and Nicole (Year 6 teacher and Literacy Learning Specialist) will remain in their current roles and will also support with some of the work that Sarah would lead, including student wellbeing. I will act as first point of contact for any wellbeing matters, and will work alongside Daniel, Nicole and the families involved.
I am grateful for the support that Daniel and Nicole have provided in Sarah’s absence to date, and am confident that with the support of staff, we will be able to navigate our way successfully through this term.
Additional Support Around the School
Whilst you will be familiar with the learning that your child receives from their classroom teacher and specialists, you may not be aware of some of the other supports that we have in place around the school.
Tutor Learning Initiative
This program is delivered by Tom Edwards (five days a week) and Ginger Moyle (three days a week) targeting students who did not make the expected progress last year in Numeracy and Writing.
Literacy Support
This program is delivered by Rebecca Creswick (four days a week) targeting students who require additional support in Reading and Writing.
Victorian High Ability Program
This program is coordinated by Chiara Vaiani Minchinton and involves students identified by the school and the Department of Education as achieving significantly above the expected level. This program is currently run remotely.
Supporting Phonics
Rebecca Creswick is working alongside teachers (three days per term) in Foundation – Year 2 to support our students’ understanding of phonics.
Across the next couple of newsletters we will focus on each of these programs. Today’s newsletter explores the Tutor Learning Initiative – see the next page for details.
Masks… Are they Needed?
In short, yes. Face masks are still mandatory for students in Years 3 – 6 in an indoor space at school. Visitors and parents who enter the school buildings need to wear masks too.
Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) & Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual Implementation Planfor 2022 is now available to view on our school website. The plan focuses on the Department’s priorities of Learning (with a focus on Numeracy) and Wellbeing, and highlights the keys actions that our school will undertake this year as we work towards the goals of our School Strategic Plan.
After two very disruptive years, it is exciting to see an emphasis on professional learning with our inherent goal of improving the wellbeing and learning outcomes of students.
You are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting on Monday 28 March, from 6 – 6:30pm, in the Meeting Room (on the LSC). At this meeting I will present the school’s Annual Report which will also be available to view on our school website later in the term.
School Council Nominations
The period for School Council Nominations has closed – there is no requirement to call an election. I look forward to sharing with you the names and roles of our 2022 School Council once confirmed at our next meeting.
Shade Sails & Solar Power at FPS
You may have noticed the installation of two posts and some temporary fencing in the Fig Tree Courtyard. This work is in preparation for the installation of a new shade sail, courtesy of a successful $25,000 grant application through Department of Health. We hoped that this work would have been completed by now, however the contractors have been delayed due to hitting rock when drilling.
We are also pleased to announce that there will be a second shaded area created on the school grounds. FPS is the recipient of a $25,000 Department of Education grant, which will be used to fund a cantilevered shade alongside 2C and 2D classrooms, parallel to the sports court.
Our solar panels are being well used. The community can view how much energy we are producing, consuming and providing to the grid. This certainly makes a good news sustainability story.
Dates for the Diary
- Welcome Picnic at FPS: Friday 18 March, 5:30 – 8pm
- Working Bee: Sunday 20 March, 10am – 2pm on the school grounds.
- School Photographs: Tuesday 29 March, 9am – 3:30pm
- Foundation Social Night: Friday 1 April, 7 – 10pm
- Parent Teacher Interviews for Years 1 – 6 (online via WebEx): Wednesday 30 March, 1:40 – 7pm. Please note, there will be an early dismissal at 1pm on this day.
- Dental Visit from Smile Squad: Thursday 31 March (Details to follow – see Compass)
- End of Term Assembly: Friday 8 April, 1:30 – 2pm. Early dismissal for the holidays at 2pm.
Wishing everyone an enjoyable week and long weekend.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal