Wellbeing Resources

Can you believe we are halfway through term 1 already?  Where does the time go??  Sometimes as we go about our busy lives of school/work, after school activities and life in general, we can forget to take a breath and be in the moment.  How often do we say “busy” when someone asks how we are?  Life can be busy, chaotic, hectic, challenging, fun, exciting and much more.  Remembering to take time to reflect, to sit and just be can be refreshing and uplifting to get us to the next place we need to be.  Here are some tips for pausing and taking a moment…

  • Stop and take some deep breaths - notice where you are and what is around you, what can you see, hear, feel, smell?
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Go outside and look up to the sky as you take a deep breath
  • Think of three things you are grateful for - it may be something like food to eat or fresh water to drink or it might be a person you feel grateful for.
  • Smile - smiling uses less muscles than frowning, is easy to do and releases the feel good endorphins to make you feel great.  Did you know smiling also aids the healing process and lessens pain.

Taking time to pause does not have to take a long time, just bring your mind back to the present and notice your breath.

Remember, take time for yourself during your busy day…you are worth it.




If you need a chat or some ideas of what to do with the kids, please reach out…I am only too happy to make time for you.


If there is a particular topic of interest that you would like to know about or if you have any questions please feel free to email me at mmakin@smechuca.catholic.edu.au


Take care and stay safe 



Home School Liaison