Around The Primary

Dear Parents

Next Wednesday, each class will be hosting their own special prayer service in their classroom to celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. They will create a sacred prayer space, pray together and then be sprinkled with the blessed ashes. During their Religious Education lessons, the students will be learning about how Lent is a time to pray, fast and give to help prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus at Easter. They will also be discussing Lenten promises and encouraged to reflect upon the ways that they can love and care for others.  


Congratulations to our sixty Year 6 students who received their leadership badges today. As Year 6 Leaders they will now work alongside staff to fulfill various roles and responsibilities around the Primary school. We look forward to seeing them displaying their leadership skills in action.

From 3.30pm this afternoon (Friday 25 February), you will have access to a clip and power-point from your child's teacher on SEQTA Engage detailing important information about the year ahead. We hope you find this information useful and informative. Special thanks to the staff for all their efforts. Please email your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.


During this current COVID period, we are continuing to remain as calm and normal as possible at school, which is helping our students to feel safe, happy and eager to learn.  The College understands that as case numbers increase there may be a requirement for students from Year 3 onwards to wear masks at school. We encourage parents of children in Year 3 and above to discuss with them the possibility of wearing masks at school and the potential for this to become compulsory in the days ahead. As a starting point, your children can practise wearing a mask on a visit to the shops, or to a family gathering or maybe to school. We also strongly recommend for students to wear a mask if they are using bus/train services.


If you are purchasing masks for your child, especially for younger children, please ensure that they are child sized and fit appropriately.


Thank you again for your support and cooperation - all your efforts are very much appreciated, especially in relation to drop-off and pick up at the loop drive through.


As a Catholic school, the safety and wellbeing of our students is always our priority, as is showing  care and support for all members of our community. Please pray for all our students, staff and families who are now having to isolate.


Kind regards,


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary 

Dates to Remember

Tuesday 1 MarchAfter school swimming training ends
Wednesday 2 MarchAsh Wednesday 

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar.


The National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will take place in May with the testing period between Tuesday 10 May and Friday 20 May. 


Students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in online assessments in the areas of Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. The Year 3 writing assessment is the only assessment that will be completed on paper. 


A ‘NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers’ brochure will be distributed to students in Year 3 and 5.


Assessments are a normal part of the teaching and learning cycle so there is no need for students to feel under pressure about this testing.  Prior to the assessments students will spend time learning how to navigate the screen when using the Online assessment platform. 

Twosday 22/2/22

Our Year 2’s celebrated TWOSDAY in style on Tuesday!

Sports Update


 The Year 4-6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival takes place on Tuesday 8 March at Bold Park Aquatic Centre.  It will look slightly different to previous years with year groups swimming their races at separate times.  Classes will be traveling to and from Bold Park separately and sitting in different areas to comply with COVID restrictions.  Ribbons will still be awarded for 1st – 4th places and every swimmer will be earning points for their House with the Interhouse Swimming Shield being awarded to the House with the most points.  More detailed correspondence and e-forms will be sent next week.  Please refer to revised race times below.  

Year 611:00am to 12:10pm
Year 512:20pm to 1:30pm
Year 41:40pm to 2:40pm

Junior Primary PE

 Our junior primary students have been working hard to learn and improve their locomotor skills, static and dynamic balance and their ball skills.  We have been having lots of fun whilst trying to stay out of the heat!

If you have any queries about anything sport related, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 



Mr Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator

KG 2024 Enrolments

Kindergarten 2024 sibling interviews are taking place soon, please ensure you have enrolled!


Please direct any enquiries to Lizz Schollum, Enrolments' Manager, via email