Parents and Friends News

President: Bianca Lane
Secretary: Jacklyn Lamb
Dear families,
The holidays are fast approaching!
Yesterday Hot Cross Bun orders were sent home with students. Thank you to the parent helpers who helped to sort the orders out.
It was great to see students actively travelling to school on Ride2School Day last Wednesday. If you couldn't ride to school last week try pick another day to actively travel to school or even just park your car a bit further and walk to school!
Harmony Day was a great celebration of diversity at our school. It was lovely to see all the children dressed up and families at school to watch the parades.
Good luck to all the students entering the Easter Colouring Competition - the P&F is proud to provide prizes for this competition.
We are pleased to again be able to offer the Mother’s Day Stall to enable students to purchase a gift for their mother or special person in their life.
We hope everyone has a relaxing break during the holidays, we are looking forward to some great events in term 2 including our inaugural St Brendan’s Feast Day Fun Run!
Please contact us with any questions, suggestions or enquiries.
Bianca and Jacklyn
Upcoming Events
APRIL | Tues 5 | Easter Colour Competition - entries to be returned |
Wed 6 | Mother's Day Stall - order forms sent out | |
Thurs 7 | Easter Colouring Competition - prizes awarded | |
Fri 8 | Last day of term | |
11 to 22 | School holidays | |
Mon 25 | ANZAC Day public holiday | |
Tues 26 | Staff Professional Development day | |
Wed 27 | First day of Term 2 | |
Fri 29 | Mother’s Day Stall - orders due | |
MAY | Fri 6 | Mother’s Day Stall - items distributed |
Tue 10 | P&F Meeting | |
Fri 13 | St Brendan's Feast Day Fun Run | |
Thurs 19 | Open Day | |
Fri 20 | National Walk Safely to School Day | |
Fri 20 | Parents Social Night | |
27 to 3 | National Reconciliation Week | |
JUNE | 6 to 10 | Scholastic Book Fair |
Mon 13 | Queen's Birthday public holiday | |
Tue 14 | P&F Meeting | |
Fri 24 | Last day of Term 2 | |
27 to 8 | School holidays |
Keep an eye on the 'Events' calendar in the SkoolBag App - Events are added in here.
Ride2School Day – 23 March 2022
We were very pleased with the success of Ride2School Day, which was held on Wednesday, 23 March 2022. It was great to see so many students and their families actively travelling to school.
It was a great way to start the morning, we also had perfect autumn weather for it! Check out some of the photos in the newsletter to see how much fun the students had!
The bike shed looked the fullest it has been for a long time. The bike shed is always available for storage of bikes or scooters so take advantage of the nice weather while you can and make a plan to travel actively to school if you can.
Hot Cross Bun Drive – 30th March 2022
Thank you to our school community for supporting the Hot Cross Bun Drive.
Yesterday 250 packets of hot cross buns were distributed to students who placed orders on behalf of their family and friends.
We have been working with school leadership to order sports equipment with the funds raised and look forward to providing an update in a future newsletter showing how the students have benefited from the support of our school community.
Thank you to the parent helpers who helped sort the hot cross buns out in a short amount of time. Having parent helpers is crucial for the success of activities like this.
Events and Fundraising Information
Easter Colouring Competition
The Parents and Friends Committee is proud to support the Easter Colouring Competition. It was a very popular activity last year, we are looking forward to seeing some great pictures this year!
Colouring sheets were distributed to students on Monday, 28 March – entries are due back to the school office by Tuesday, 5th April 2022.
Any students who have been absent from school can collect a copy of the sheet from their teacher when they return or email the office to get a copy sent to you.
Paula will be awarding one prize awarded for each class, which will be presented next Thursday.
Please encourage your children to have a go and use their best colouring skills!
Mother's Day Stall
The P&F will again hold a Mother’s Day Stall in the lead up to Mother’s Day, inviting all children to order from items to gift to for their Mums, Nans, Aunts or another Special Lady.
As Mother’s Day is only a week and a half into Term 2, we are asking families to review the order form over the holidays and return their order as soon as possible.
Some really great products have been sourced which I’m sure many Mum’s would be very pleased to receive!
Order forms and payment is due to the school office by Friday, 29th April 2022. Hard copy forms will be sent home with students.
*Order forms are to be submitted under the name of the eldest child at school and must be returned to school stating which form of payment has been made. Orders cannot be fulfilled until payment is received.
Orders will be distributed to students on Wednesday, 6th April 2022.
Parents Social Night
Save the date for our first Parents Social Night for the year.
An evening for parents of our school community to meet up and have a relaxed night will be Friday, 20 May 2022 from 7pm-9pm at Teller Restaurant.
More information to come in future newsletters on how to purchase tickets.
IGA Community Rewards
Please find the below attachments to view full details of the IGA Rewards Program:
My Name Label
Please find below attachments to view full details:
Committee Updates & Information
Contact details for P&F:
President: Bianca Lane
Secretary: Jacklyn Lamb
Next P&F Meeting
The next meeting will be held Tuesday 10 May 2022, 6.30pm. Location to be determined
All welcome - please come along to discuss and contribute your ideas to school events. Bring a friend, it would be great to see some new faces.
RSVP by Monday 9 May 2022, to Bianca or Jacklyn at or feel free to contact us with any questions.
Committee member – positions available
Do you have a passion for our school community and would like to contribute your ideas and a couple of hours a month - we have a role for you!
The P&F raise funds, hold fun events and support our school community to build an inclusive, supportive and caring environment for all students and their families.
We currently have openings for 5 new members to join the Committee. We are looking for parents/carers who are passionate and willing to help the Committee to be responsive to our community's needs.
We are hoping to get representation from families across all year levels of the school.
If this sounds like something you may be interested in, please contact Bianca or Jacklyn via email to express your interest or find out more information.
Register to be a volunteer
The P&F Committee is made up of parents volunteering their time to the school to give great outcomes for our children. Parents who volunteer to assist with P&F events enjoy socialising with other parents and the satisfaction of giving back to the school community. Kids enjoy seeing their parents involved at school and it gives the parents a greater understanding of the school environment.
If you have a few hours to spare during the year and would like to get involved in the school community please register your interest to be involved as a parent helper through the P&F.
The P&F maintains a confidential database of parent contact details so parents can be kept up to date on opportunities to volunteer at school and assist with events.
Please consider volunteering some of your time to the school community this year by registering your interest via email – include your full name, mobile phone number, email address, how many children you have at school this year and their year levels.
*Volunteer requirements*
Volunteers must hold a current Working With Children’s Check. These details must be supplied to the school office to also be confidentially. WWCC’s are free for vounteers, you can apply through the Working With Children Check Victoria website.
It is also a requirement of the Department of Education that volunteers who provide assistance on school grounds need to provide evidence of full vaccination against COVID-19, including booster, before they can volunteer.
Where parent helpers are not interacting with students proof of double vaccination against COVID-19 will apply.
A copy of vaccination certificates is required to be kept in a confidential file by our Principal Paula Stevenson. This requirement may change during the year, however this is the current advice.
Please advise the P&F once you have completed these requirements.
Business interest
Do you own/run a business, or know of a business, that may be interested in being involved in supporting the school community through fundraisers, sponsorship, in-kind support or at events?
Please contact the P&F by email to register your interest. We are very interested in working with our school community and building connections with family businesses.