What's happening in Year 3/4...

Middle Years News
The Middle Year students have been busy working hard during Term 1 and have all settled well into the school year.
During our Religious Education topic of Lent we have been recognising acts of kindness.
The students have created a ‘Kindness Jar’ where they have placed a kind gesture that they can do for others at school and home.
We continue to learn about the terrific work that Caritas Australia is providing. We have watched videos that show where our donations are making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
We were fortunate enough to visit our local Heritage Museum in Shepparton for an excursion.
We were met by Geoff Allemand, who enlightened us of what life was like in the olden days. Students were shown a presentation of places of familiarity to Shepparton and what has changed over the years.
We were very excited to see how school life and our local church had changed over 100 years. Here are some photos of our visit:
Persuasive Writing
Our writing focus over the past few weeks has been writing our opinion about a topic.
Students have recognised for and against arguments, and constructed a persuasive piece of work.
Topics of interest have been which pet is the best, summer versus winter and whether outdoor or indoor play is the most preferred. Students have really enjoyed sharing their points of view with their classmates.
During mathematics we have been working on place value, addition and subtraction.
We have been investigating numbers through card and dice games as well as learning strategies for solving simple and more complex equations.