From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Over the past few weeks, the importance of communication tools and channels between school and home has been highlighted through a number of events and incidents.  The Skoolbag app and Operoo email messaging have enabled efficient communication of key information to families, particularly as real-time events are unfolding.  The recent power outages and the evacuation of the 3\4 students from Paul Sadler Swimland are examples where these tools were extremely valuable.  I highly encourage all families to ensure they have access to these tools.  The school office is always here to help, so please call if you have run into some difficulty installing or operating.     

Families have been using to inform the school of students who have tested positive COVID19, enabling the school to inform the wider community whilst supporting the student\s affected.

COVID Restrictions update

The recent announcements from the State Government regarding the mask-wearing indoors have had very little change to the way we go about our work at the moment in primary schools.

Education workers and students in Year 3-6 are still required to wear fitted face masks whilst indoors unless an exemption applies.

The extension of the rapid antigen testing program for students and staff has been extended till the end of Term 1.  At the time of writing the next round of testing kits had not been received however as soon as they arrive, we will be sending these home with students in their school bags.  A reminder message will be sent to all families to retrieve the testing kits from school bags to ensure the RAT kits are kept in a safe place.

School Photos - Thursday 10th March

This year school photos day will be held Thursday 10th March within the school grounds and buildings. After some consideration, we have changed school photo service providers for 2022 to SchoolPix.  Photo ordering information will be sent home this week.  All of the instructions and information for online ordering are available material sent home. 

School Uniform - Sock colour

During a recent Parents’ Association meeting, some clarification was sought regarding the colour of the knee-high socks for girls.  The colour of the socks is navy blue.

Support for students who are COVID Isolating

To assist families who have children isolated at home as a positive case or as close contact, the school has provided an online resource that students can interact with whilst at home.

Supporting Families and students in Isolation  SSR Online Learning Space

More detailed information can be found in the dedicated page of the newsletter.  This will be a recurring page until further notice.

Whole School Cybersafety eSmart Program

Last week we launched our whole cybersafety program called “Every Term, Every Student: Cyber Safety Education”  The program consists of termly presentations delivered via interactive video link which is followed by a series of integrative tasks that students focus upon throughout a given term.  

This is a supported approach to cyber safety which also include regular information and articles to support families at home with developing cyber-safe and aware children.  Keep an eye out in the newsletter for articles and information.


Thank you to all the parents who have responded to the Interim ICT Usage Agreement eForm (Operoo) for their children.  This document is currently being reviewed by our eSmart Ambassadors so that in Term 2 we can launch a revised and updated agreement for our students.


Last Thursday Lauren Freeman commenced parental leave in readiness for the arrival of her first baby.  During this time we keep Lauren and Jackson in our thoughts and prayers.

TOMORROW NIGHT - FREE Parent webinar: Managing Big Feelings - For Parents & Carers of Junior Primary Children

Although this session is aimed at those parents of children commencing school this term, more broadly it would certainly be suitable for parents of students in older classes, particularly Year One and Two.


Once registered (with an email address and name), parents will be emailed a link to the webinar.  Registered parents also receive reminder emails and a link to the recorded webinar to access the replay at a time after the session. It is recommended even if parents are unable to attend the live webinar, they register to ensure they can access the replay.


Click here to Register  - 

Movie Night - This Friday hosted by our Parents' Association

Please note as per Child Standards and Child Safety Code of Conduct, 

this is an alcohol-free event

Thank you for your cooperation


God bless




Tom Wursthorn
