5/6 News

Online learning

We have had a fantastic start to online learning in 5/6. It has been great seeing everyone using SeeSaw to share their learning each day. We have also been giving feedback on our classmates' work. Here is some of the work we have posted on SeeSaw.

Tom’s daily schedule:

Xavier even shared his new study buddy:

Georgia V’s donut stack, this week’s art activity:

Christian’s work space:


My experience in online learning has been kind of stressful. I might have cried a little here and there but I'm getting kind of used to it. You know it’s just having to email your teacher the whole time without being able to talk to them in person. No biggy. - Lila

I found this week of online learning really good. There wasn’t too much work but enough to make my brain work. I felt like I learned a bit this week and the communication through seesaw was really great and clear. - Clare