Communicating Your Son’s Absence/Late Arrival

Late Arrival or Absence Procedure
If your son is going to be absent from school, or if he will be arriving late, please contact the school before 9.00am by:
SMS: 0438 483 997
Phone: 8169 3915 (Please note the new number) or 8169 3900 (press 1 for absentees) where you can leave a voicemail message.
Please include your son’s full name, Class/Home Group and the reason for the absence/late arrival in your message.
If your son is not present during Home Group/roll call, a text message will be sent to the primary parent/guardian.
If it is necessary for your son to be dismissed early from school, please ensure he has a signed note by you in his school diary. He will need to have this note signed by his Class/Home Group Teacher prior to signing out at the Student Office.
Note: ELC children absences/late arrivals should be communicated directly to the Early Learning Centre by telephoning 8169 3955 after 7:30 am.