Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop
Due to there not being any change in uniform in Term 3 The Uniform Shop will not be open during the Term 2 Holiday break.
Winter Uniform will continue to be worn during Term 3.
If your son has lost his Blackfriars PE Hat we have plenty of stock.
Blackfriars Sun Smart Program requires all students to wear their hats outside during Term 1, Term 3 and Term 4.
If you are requiring any uniform items including ELC uniforms for your family we are open every Tuesday and Thursday during term time.
TUESDAYS 8.00AM – 4.30PM
If coming into The Uniform Shop during these opening times is not possible, we are happy to take Phone Orders with Credit Card details.
PH : 08 8169 3950
Leave a message if the line is unattended and I will phone you back.
You can also email The Uniform Shop: uniformshop@bps.sa.edu.au
We hope everyone enjoys their two week break.
The Uniform Shop will open again Day 1, Term 3 Tuesday 24 July, 8.00 am – 4.30 pm.
Mrs Cheryl Hadrill