Stage 2 Drama Production

Stage 2 Drama Production - AHXFI
AHXFI is coming.
AHXFI is that mysterious, ubiquitous, rather odd acronym that will grace this year’s Stage 2 Drama Production.
So what is AHXFI?
AHXFI is -
High Drama
Tragic Farce
Physical Comedy
The World of Illusion, Stand-Up Comedy, Cabaret, Disco-Go-Go-K-Pop.
Written by Karen Sierp who wrote the highly successful “TRUTH” which was performed by the Stage 1 and 2 Drama class last year and at this year’s Fringe Festival, AHXFI presents the Unreality of Reality TV in all of its glorious glitz and glitch.
So, what is AHXFI?
Come see the show on Wednesday 1 August and Thursday 2 August, 7.00pm at the Blackfriars James O’Doherty Performing Arts Theatre.
All will be revealed. Or is it all an illusion?