Junior School News
Year 7s
Junior School News
Year 7s
A huge welcome to our new Year 7 students and a big welcome back to our Year 8 girls. We hope they had a great holiday and are ready for a productive year! We also extend a very warm welcome to all new Year 8 students. We hope you settle in quickly and make lots of new friends. It was fantastic to see so many parents attend the School Assembly on the first day and watch the school welcome the Year 7 cohort into the gym.
Our Junior School team this year is:
Ms Bronwyn Moline – Assistant Principal to the Junior School
Ms Emma Holman – Director of Junior School
Mr Philip Hull – 7A, D, F Student Manager
Mrs Petra Witt – 7B, C, E, G Student Manager
Ms Melanie Erwin – 8E, F, G Student Manager
Mr Steve Williams – 8A, B, C, D Studentl Manager
We are all very excited to be working with the girls and their families this year. Telephone contacts are:
Could all parents please make sure that ALL clothing is clearly named. We often find jumpers, blazers or PE gear left at school and we cannot return it if it is not named.
All Year 7 students will be attending a camp at Arrabri Lodge in Warburton East in the week of 25 February. 7A, D & F girls will attend on Monday 25 February to Wednesday 27 February and 7B, C, E & G will attend on Wednesday 27 February to Friday 29 February. This is a fantastic opportunity for the girls to get to know each other and for them to get to know their teachers in a relaxed setting
All Year 8 parents recently received an email inviting them to attend an information session on Wednesday 20 February 6.30pm to 7.30pm on the topics of ‘Time management.’
The Year 8 students will be attending a session on time management run by Elevate Education on Friday 15 February in period 4. These skills will stand them in good stead for all years and we encourage the girls to practise them so that they become more effective learners. We would love you to hear the information so that you can encourage your daughter to use those skills at home when studying.
The evening will take place in the Lecture Theatre. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Ms Emma Holman
Director, Junior School