Student Leadership

Libby, Ruby & Amethyst

Leadership Development is Self-Development - John G Agno


Our student leaders have begun the year meeting in their new teams to begin establishing their goals and plans for the year. The Junior School Leadership team will be finalised in the next few weeks with the election of Class Captains at year 7 and 8 and the completion of the SRC from the Junior School.  Congratulations to Sian Sharpe, appointed to work with the SRC who have already started planning Free Dress days and other projects for the school and in support of various charitable organisations. All students leadership meetings take place on Tuesday enabling various teams to work together to achieve their goals.


Amethyst Parlanti: College Captain

I’m Amethyst Parlanti and I am so excited and honoured to be a School Captain at Mentone Girls’ Secondary College alongside Ruby.

I attended Dingley Primary School before MGSC, following in the footsteps of my older sister. I have grown up so much at MGSC and the college has seen me through many experiences, both negative and positive, and has always been a safe and welcoming place that encouraged me to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them.

My passions include animal activism, nature and music. I have always wanted to pursue a career in the performing arts as a singer and I intend to continue my work in music once I complete my VCE. My love for the performing arts has allowed me to become confident within myself and enabled me to take this role.

In my year as a School Captain, I want to implement programs to support our girls, such as a self-defence program to develop confidence and physical and mental strength in students.

I was raised to be considerate towards the environment and I am becoming even more passionate for environmental causes, such as the impact of fast fashion and single use plastics. This year, I want to implement programs and plans to ensure that MGSC is an ally of the environment for years to come.

I’m excited to see what’s next to come!


Ruby Crofts: College Captain 

My name is Ruby Crofts and I am one of the college co-captains for 2019. I am an active member of many local netball clubs and volunteer my time with coaching and umpiring teams. Throughout primary school, I never had any interest in being a school leader as it seemed like a huge role to take on board and I was a shy student. When starting at MGSC in Year 7, I was encouraged by peers and teachers to apply for the role as an SRC representative and was fortunate enough to receive this role. Over the rest of the years I have been here at this school, I have been involved in many leadership roles such as a Health and PE domain leader and Year 11 vice-captain. The experiences and challenges I faced while in these roles, led me to apply for the role of College Captain, as I want to make a change in the school environment and the sporting and music culture we have here. I would like others to see me as an individual who everyone would be comfortable approaching and expressing their new thoughts and ideas on how we can improve the school for future generations.


Libby McQuiston: SRC President

My name is Libby McQuiston and I am the MGSC 2019 SRC President. For me coming to school is more than a place to learn. Coming to school develops you as a person and sets you up for life. Becoming SRC President this year, was a big step. It requires taking on big responsibilities in what is a very big year. This year, I really want to emphasise student voice within the school community and allow student decisions to take place. I believe that anyone can do anything if you are prepared to put in the effort. I would love to see the SRC as a group to make these ideas happen. Any student of any age can and should be able to come forward to discuss their ideas and views.

 A little bit about myself. I have been in the SRC in Year 9 and have enjoyed the opportunities it has given me. I have attended a number of camps and excursions which have allowed me to develop not only my leadership skills but also ways to conduct myself as an individual. I have played basketball since I was 10 and have loved every minute of it. Additionally, I spent three years coaching junior teams and I currently referee. I love the outdoors and camping with my friends and family. I believe life is all about balance and finding that balance is extremely important. After finishing school this year, I hope to travel, attend university and find a job working with children.


Wendy Harvey

Director of Student Leadership & Engagement