College Matters

Compass payments and approvals
Parents can now use Compass for payments and to give approval for excursions/events. To do so, log into your parent portal. The payments and consents will be visible on the home page, above the news items.
Parents and Friends' Association
All parents are welcome to attend PFA meetings which are held in the staffroom at 7pm. Refreshments are provided. The dates are as follows:
Tuesday 5 March – AGM (elect new committee)
Tuesday 23 April – planning for Open Night on 30 April
Tuesday 16 July
Tuesday 8 October – planning for Art show Wednesday 16 October
Additional meeting TBA to review book lists in preparation for the second-hand book swap and sell.
Tuesday 3 December – Christmas dinner.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Hours in 2019: Tuesday 2.45-3.45pm and Friday 8.15-9.15am.
This is staffed by PFA volunteers. Thanks to Geri and Danielle who are working in the shop on a Friday. Please contact the school if you are available to assist at either of these times.
MGSC Book Swap and Sell Facebook page
This Facebook page has been administered by PFA volunteers. Thanks to Emma and Jo for their work. This page will stay open until end of February and will then be closed down. It will reopen late in 2019 in readiness for the 2020 school year.
Year 7 Family Welcome Picnic
Friday 15 March on the school oval from 6pm to 8pm
This is an opportunity for Year 7 families to meet one another. BYO picnic dinner and drinks, picnic rug/chairs. Please do not bring glass of breakable items.
Parking and drop-offs
Parents and families are reminded to park ONLY in designated areas around the College. Neighbours have had their driveways blocked today. The Kingston Council will issue fines for those drivers who park illegally.
For safety reasons, parents are also asked not to enter the staff car park for dropping off and collecting their children.
Safety around train and road crossings
Concerned community members have reported seeing students running across the train tracks when the boom gates are down and the lights and bells activated. This is very dangerous. It is important that all students behave in a safe manner when they are making their way to and from school.
Crossing signals should be obey at railway lines. Students should cross busy roads such at Balcombe Road at official or supervised pedestrian crossing points.
Student accident insurance, ambulance cover and private property brought to school
Parents are reminded that the Department of Education does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs.