Classroom News

Junior Class with Ms Murphy

We have had a ‘gentle’ week in the Junior Classroom easing back into our regular routine. Our first day was based around speaking and listening.  We spoke about our feelings around online learning and the return to the classroom and caught up with each other socially. Naturally, many students were eager to be reunited with their friends and thoroughly enjoyed catching up.

It was remarkable to see how quickly the Juniors fell into the groove of our classroom hand sanitising protocols and we now have a new word to replace ‘hand sanitiser’ it is known as ‘hanitiser’!

Most impressive has been the way the Juniors have conducted themselves in class this week.  They have come back with even better manners and courtesy than ever before.  I have noticed a great improvement in many students speaking and listening skills and their hand writing.  Well done to all the parent/s and the St. Pat’s team on making this a reality.