Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Dear Parents and Carers


It has been such a pleasure welcoming our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students to school on Tuesday. The children have not only grown in height but also come back with a greater awareness and appreciation of each other. They came through the school gates happy and excited to see their friends. They have had the opportunity to play and socialise with each other, to build relationships again and interact, something we have all missed during the lockdown. 


This week, our approach to learning will ensure that the children will settle into their learning environments, reconnect with their teachers and friends and learn a whole set of hygiene protocols to keep everyone safe during these times. The teachers have planned some very engaging lessons to welcome the students back as well as to give them a chance to share their own lockdown experiences and wonderings! 


I take this opportunity to thank families for supporting your child in their learning for the past 6 weeks of this Term. We know and understand how challenging it must have been for those parents working from home, but you did it anyway! Genuine parent engagement exists when there is a meaningful relationship between parents and teachers with the shared goal of maximising learning outcomes for students. We have seen this happen so successfully during this time of remote and online learning and we will continue to nurture this moving forward. 


I know you will all agree that our staff have gone above and beyond to teach, connect, deliver, coach, reach out, support, engage, check on and check in with your child. We celebrate the great educators we have here at St Anthony’s, their dedication and commitment to education is extraordinary and we have seen this through the last six weeks. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Have a safe and wonderful weekend

Glennis Kerr

(Teaching & Learning Leader)