RHSport Challenge

by Danielle Cooke (Sports Coordinator)

Staughton College is taking part in this School vs. School e-challenge for the chance to win some sporting equipment.

The school with the most participants and the best results for both primary and secondary schools will win a NYDA sports equipment voucher each from RHSports!


We already know our students have been keeping active at home and this is another way to have fun. 


There are 4 activities you can do:

  1. Running/Walking: Measure your backyard. How many metres is this? Now just run or walk the laps for 20 minutes! Once you are finished calculate: Laps x (metres)= Total Metres. You will enter METRES into the results sheet.
  2. Jump Rope: Grab a skipping rope and find a hard surface to skip on. How many skips can you do in 2 minutes? You will enter number of jumps into the results sheet.
  3. Speed Dribble: Grab a basketball or basketball size ball. Find a hard surface to bounce on. Bend really low for this one! Speed Dribble the ball beneath your knees. How many bounces can you achieve in 2 minutes? You will enter number of bounces into the results sheet.
  4. Wall Catch: Grab a tennis ball. Find a wall where the ball will bounce back to you. Throw and catch the ball as many times as you can in 2 minutes. How many catches can you achieve in 2 minutes? You will enter number of catches into the results sheet.


For more information on the activities, visit https://sites.google.com/view/rhsportsfitnesschallenge/home


To enter your results: https://sites.google.com/view/rhsportsfitnesschallenge/home?utm_source=challengeedm&utm_medium=website


See how many times you can do each of these activities!


Good luck!