Secondary School News

Secondary School News



This long and unusual term is finally over. It has been draining and quite interesting at the same time. Both teachers and students spent a lot of time and effort working hard on Remote Learning and were very glad to resume Face to Face teaching again. Students will hopefully take the time to read over their end of semester reports and celebrate completing a successful semester’s work. Where there have to be improvements, hopefully the students will take this on board and apply themselves conscientiously next semester. 

To our students and their families -  I would like to reiterate the importance of students being mindful about Social Distancing and vigilant with Hygiene Practises. We want you all to be healthy and safe throughout the next few months, so please be careful with all your everyday activities and do the right thing to keep yourselves safe and healthy. We want to see you all back next term, hopefully relaxed and rested and ready for a whole new semester. 


Best Wishes for a good term vacation,


Liria Stratus

7-9 Learning Community Leader





Term 2, 2020 onwards PE Attire Footwear Update


Dear Parents / Carers,


As you will be aware Collingwood College has made significant upgrades to our sporting facilities and front oval. These upgrades have now finished and are in full use by our students. If you have not yet seen the upgrades for yourself please contact the college to arrange a viewing.

Whilst these upgrades have been taking place we have reviewed our college’s PE Attire Policy to ensure it is current and up to date with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements for the two new areas and to minimise any potential risk to students. Safety whilst performing physical activity is always an area that we constantly review. 

From the beginning of Term 2 2020, Tuesday 14th April 2020, all secondary students will be required to wear non marking ‘runners’ footwear to all PE lessons.  Please see the pictures attached for clarification of our ‘runners’ policy to ensure you are aware of what runners will be compliant footwear and what is NOT compliant footwear. Collingwood College also has a PE Sports polo shirt which is available to purchase from the front office. 

Also remember wearing any denim jeans/shorts, cargo pants/shorts, board shorts and long/tight skirts that restrict movement during any PE activity is still not acceptable.

Your child does not need to purchase expensive named brand footwear. All major superstores offer a compliant runner at a very reasonable cost. 

Thank you for your understanding with our new policy. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information of what is or isn’t acceptable runners within the new Collingwood College PE Attire policy. 



These shoes with an X next to them do not provide enough arch support. They do not provide enough grip and support for changing directions on all types of surfaces.



James Agombar

Head of Physical Education and Sport

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