Year 3/4 News

Welcome Back!
A HUGE Welcome back all 3/4 Families for another exciting Term filled with innovation, creativity, and adaptability. With the focus on Literacy and Numeracy this Term, students will engage more in small target focus group/clinic sessions. We aim to continue completing the great work that we began in Term Two. We have used the feedback given by students and parents and our own reflections on our teaching practices to make some adjustments for Home Online Learning in Term Three even better!
What will look different?
Daily Timetable/ Uploads
- Daily Timetables and Tasks will be live at 8am on Google Classroom (Classwork tab on Google Classroom) every morning.
- There will be two compulsory upload tasks per day (Reading & Maths), however, teachers will only give feedback on one of the tasks.
- Students will need to upload a writing piece the day before their focus child writing conference.
Zoom Meetings
Morning Zoom's on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will begin at 9.00am.
Afternoon Zoom's will begin at 2.00pm only for children that are Focus Children for that day.
Please note: There will be no zoom session on Wednesday. Students will complete Specialist tasks and work on their Personal Passion Projects (PPP) instead.
Clinics Groups
We have differentiated tasks to meet students’ needs. Students will be allocated to a Maths group and a Reading group. In their Daily Timetable, students will have a Zoom Link to their Reading and Maths groups. Students will need to click on their correct zoom link by locating their name. Teachers will ensure that the students are prepared and supported during this process initially.
Learning Intentions
Weekly Timetable
Clinic Groups
Each student will be required to attend their Reading Zoom on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday at 10:00am according to the Daily Timetable.
Reading Log
Students are expected to continue to read for at least 20 minutes, for a minimum of 4 days per week. We ask that your child completes their reading log online, from Monday to Thursday. It may be easier for your child to write this down on a piece of paper during the week and fill the online form in at the end of the week.
Maths Clinics
Each student needs to look at their Daily Timetable where they will see when they have their required Maths Clinics. Students won’t have to attend a Maths clinic each day. This week, students had a special guest that attended the clinic, Monsieur S from St. Raphael's Bakery!
Students are required to complete daily Maths PSTs and we ask that students use Essential Assessment (Sunset Maths) to revise and practise the skills we are teaching.
Personal Passion Project
Personal Passion Projects are a wonderful chance for students to develop their own personalised learning styles, develop their creative and critical thinking and take ownership of their learning.
Students will be given a framework, timeline outline, and support to assist them to work through this project. In the 3/4 level, students will be asked to identify their interests during focus child sessions as well as complete a google form which will collate their responses. This form will be made available to students over the week.
Contact Details
Annie McNaughton
James Downing
Linda Pham -
Shane Giese -
Could we please ask that emails regarding 3/4SR homeroom be emailed to both Shane and Rosalba.
Please note, we are only permitted to reply to emails Monday- Friday, between the hours of 8am and 5pm.