Year 1/2 News

Welcome to Term 3!
Welcome back to Term 3! We hope everyone has had a safe and relaxing extended holiday. As much as we would all love to be back at school face to face, we brace ourselves for another start to the Term of Home Online Learning. This Term, there will be a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy. How this looks for home online learning will be slightly different from last term. Our focus four days a week will be Reading, Writing, Spelling and Maths. Wednesdays will break the week up with specialist classes and Personal Passion Projects (PPP). Students have been allocated groups for each lesson which their teachers will remind them of this week.
What's New?
We are thrilled to introduce a new whole school initiative, Personal Passion Project (PPP). What this will look like for 1/ 2’s will be different for each student. We encourage students to ask questions, pursue, explore, investigate and create something to showcase new knowledge about a particular interest or passion. Students will work to their own timeline and parents are welcome to guide and support students where needed. You can liken this to Investigations where students drive their own learning by exploring what interests them, remembering that it is the process that is important, not the end product. We are super excited to see what the students develop, create and imagine! Watch this space…..
Your child will participate in online guided reading clinics twice a week. Teacher’s will select targeted texts to read with the students online with specific guidance and support. The main goal of guided reading is to help students use reading strategies whilst reading for meaning independently. It is important for all students to be present at each of their scheduled bi-weekly clinics. You can support your child at home with their independent reading by talking about the book they read. Some questions you may find helpful are:
- Talk more about that.
- What happened first? ( ….last?)
- How did the character feel?
- What is the problem in the story?
- How did the character solve the problem?
- Tell me more about your thinking.
A reminder that students are required to continue to read each night and record this in their Reading logs. We ask that these are uploaded to be checked by Monday morning. Further information on where to upload this will be provided on Google Classrooms.
In Maths, we will be revisiting place value and ways we can partition (break up) numbers. Students will be revising addition and subtraction and will begin to explore division in Week 3. We will explore the 'part, part, whole' strategy to support students to partition (break up) numbers and to solve simple addition and subtraction problems. We have included a video explaining some of the ways we can use this strategy. We will also include these sorts of videos in our daily timetable.
We encourage students to continue to use Essential Assessment to revise skills taught. Students are required to complete 1 activity within 'My Numeracy' or 'Sunset Maths.'
Week 2 & 3 Learning Intentions
Week 2 & 3 Timetable
Contact Details
- 1/2C - Carmel Pitt -
- 1/2E - Emma Sbizzirri -
- 1/2R - Rachel Pearn -
- 1/2LM - Lauren Bell -
- 1/2LM - Marcella Verrocchi -
Please include both Mrs Bell and Mrs Verrocchi in all correspondence
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am and 5pm.