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VCE VM Incursion - 4th April
Our Year 11 and 12 VCE VM students were involved in a survivor-type challenge with Supreme Incursions. This involved the purchase and building of shelters in their groups with a number of challenges faced along the way. The students demonstrated teamwork, leadership and problem-solving skills. Well done to our VM students for completing this experience with so much enthusiasm.
"I had a lot of fun during this incursion. The incursion helped us think outside of the box and it showed me how lucky I am to have a roof over my head without having to think about how I can eat and split a meal each day or find shelter. The incursion showed me that I need to be more grateful for even the smallest things."
- Lilianne (Year 11)
Unit 3 Art Creative Practice - 25th April
Unit 3 Art Creative Practice students, created a folio, which included a visual diary for their development work and an artwork, based on issues that concerned them.
Well done students, you worked really hard to achieve your results!
Year 11 PPEP Talk - 27th April
Our Year 11 Students got to hear from Clinical Educator, and Alumni, Marianne. The PPEP (Periods, Pain and Endometriosis Program) talk was a fun, medically accurate information session discussing the modern neuroscience of pain.
Marianne educated us that periods are normal, but periods that stop you from doing things that you enjoy aren’t!
Introducing Francesca Tarquini - Language Assistant
My name is Francesca Tarquini.
First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work as an Italian Language Assistant at Killester College. I am employed by "Coasit", the Italian Assistance Association that promotes Italian Language and Culture in Melbourne. I am sure that this opportunity will make me grow professionally and personally.
To begin, I want to introduce myself. I am 31 years old and I come from Italy. I actually have both Australian and Italian citizenship. My family came here in the 1950’s and my mother was born in Reservoir.
Then they decided to move back to Italy but I’ve always heard them speaking about Australia! In fact, my family loved living here and they talk about their experience all the time. Therefore I was very curious to travel and see this country through my eyes!
So here I am, for the first time in Melbourne!
I’ve been living here for four months and I think that this will be the most beautiful experience of my life. What I really appreciate about Melbourne is its multicultural society! I can’t believe I can meet people from all over the world every day! It is so exciting!
Of course, I need to improve my English and I am trying to study hard! Sometimes I do great, sometimes I make mistakes, in any case, I am working on it!
In Italy, I used to work as a Journalist and as a Teacher.
As a Journalist, I took part in an internship at “Sir”, the Catholics News Agency of the CEO in the Vatican City, and I had an experience in “ Class Editori” in Milan. Here I trained in the official Channel of trains and airports and I used to write insights about news, fashion and sport. I also was able to curate video editing and to present the news. As part of this role I gained valuable experience in news reading and diction.
On the other hand, I also trained as a teacher in Italy, working in more than nine schools of the Italian Government (Middle and Secondary Level) over a period of almost four years. I taught Italian (Writing, Grammar and Literature), History, Geography and Latin Studies according to the Italian Traditional methodology.
Italian and History were my favorite, that’s why I applied for this job!
I completed my studies in Rome and I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Italian Literature and a Master’s Degree in History. I also completed my “DITALS” Diploma, the official certification for teaching Italian to foreigners.
I like my job so much and I really enjoy spending time with the girls!
It is so exciting to see their enthusiasm and their passion when they try to learn another language and a different culture! So, definitely, they are studying constantly and with dedication.
I hope they can learn as much as possible and I am always available to help and support them in any circumstance.
Ciao a presto…
Francesca Tarquini
Co As It Italian Language Assistant 2023
Badminton - 2nd May
On Tuesday 2nd May Killester took three teams to MSAC for the day to play badminton. Our teams competed well during the day and we ended up achieving some great results by days end:
Juniors - 3rd overall
Inters - 2nd (made the grand final)
Seniors - 1st!
Bianca. R was given the MVP for the grand final match
Well done Killester badminton teams!!
Athletics Day - 5th May
Last Friday we had the annual House Athletics Carnival, this year it was held at Duncan McKinnon athletics track.
It was a beautiful day for athletics- not a drop of rain all day. All day we could hear students cheering for their houses from the stands. It was a great day.
A huge congratulations to the following students who were individual champions in their level for the day:
Year 7 - Grace. B
Year 8 - Nicole. N
Year 9 - Vanessa. S
Year 10- Jade. G
Year 11 - Georgie. O
Year 12- Audrey. T
The final results for the day were as follows:
McKillop - 647 points
Chisholm - 752 points
Romero - 831 points
Brigid - Winner! 940 points
Thank you to all the staff for their help on the day and thank you to any students who assisted on the day as well.
A big thank you to all the House Leaders- but especially the Year 12 House Leaders for all their work that they put into running their teams:
Tyrese. D (Brigid), Mitsuki. O (Romero), Holly. C (Mackillop) and An. L (Chisholm)
Winter School Uniform Fitting - Ongoing
Killester College
Belgravia Apparel is pleased to offer personalized winter uniform fitting appointments at our Dandenong School Uniform Store
Book your fitting via the link below
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