ATAR Geography

Western Shield Project 

ON Friday, 5 May the ATAR Geography students participated in a Fauna Biology fieldwork program run by the Nearer to Nature team in Mundaring. 


Here the students explored the important work done by wildlife officers to mitigate change that has occurred due to practices that alter land cover and ultimately impact flora and fauna. 


As part of their Task 3 Assessment, students explored strategies to assist native animals and programs to combat invasive species. Students had the opportunity to set traps, learn techniques and meet some furry models of native species. They also got up close and personal with a number of real life local reptiles, learning about habitat loss and safety in bush. Students were very brave handling the snakes. 


Thank you to Mr McGoorty for accompanying us, it was an informative, fun and educational experience had by all. 


Miss D Pisconeri

(HASS Teacher)