Deputy Principals
Mr Peter Hawke , Mr Rod Dowling, Ms Carrol Abel
Deputy Principals
Mr Peter Hawke , Mr Rod Dowling, Ms Carrol Abel
OVER the coming weeks, our Year 11 and Year 12 students will be preparing for the Semester One exams and finishing off those assessments that will set them up for successful Semester One report. We ask all members of our College community to keep our senior students in your prayers over these weeks.
During the Semester One exams, those students studying an ATAR Pathway are only required to attend school when they have a scheduled exam although several students take advantage of this time to come into school to ask revision question of their teachers. For students on a Vocational Pathway, they are required to attend regular classes from Monday, 22 May to Wednesday, 31 May Vocational students should be continuing with their TAFE/Trainee commitments during this time as well. Thursday 1 June has been deemed a ‘Home Study Day’ for Vocational students however those students whom teachers have identified are not up-do-date with their schoolwork will be required to attend school on that day to catch up on their work under the supervision of College teachers.
All Year 11 and Year 12 students are expected to return to the College on Friday, 2 June for our St Norbert Day celebrations. Vocational students who wish to attend St Norbert Day celebrations instead of attending their regular TAFE/Traineeship course will need to submit an ‘Out of School Learning Variation Form’ to Mrs Gonsalves. Students are reminded that during the examination weeks, regular school uniform regulations apply.
ARRANGMENTS for the Year 9 Camp are well underway with students having already met with Mr Houwen (Year 9 Camp Co-Ordinator) to discuss this enjoyable and exciting event. Parents are reminded that there will be an online Microsoft Teams meeting for all Year 9 students and parents on Wednesday, 24 May commencing at 6.00pm. This meeting will cover important information such as the camp program, clothing and equipment requirements, medical information and a final outline the organisational details for the camp. Also in attendance will be Tammy Lovett (OEG Program Co-ordinator) who can provide further clarity to parents about the camp schedule. Further details about how to access this meeting will be sent to Year 9 families prior to the online meeting.
AS a school, we pride ourselves on the dignified and proud way in which our students wear their College uniform and present themselves in public. St Norbert College has a clear policy relating to student uniform and personal presentation that can be found in many places – most noticeably in the Student Diary. However, despite these clear guidelines it is not uncommon for some students to ‘push boundaries’ in regards to the uniform rules which in turn creates additional work for teachers and parents.
Of recent concern has been the number of students wearing excessive jewellery - especially rings, bracelets and earrings – as well several young men who are coming to school with obvious facial hair from not shaving. Those students who are found to be in breach of the College’s uniform and personal presentation standards will be required to immediately correct the infringement and may be given a sanction from the College.
Where parents are aware of a uniform issue for their daughter/son, the College requests that you inform their Homeroom teacher prior to the start of school either by a note or email.
Mr P Hawke
(Deputy Principal, Years 10 & 12)
PLEASE see below an attachment for full details about the Year 10, 11 & 12 Semester One examination timetable as well as importamt instructions for candidates:
The ACER Scholarship Selection Test will take place at the College on Saturday June 17, commencing at 9:30am. Further information may be accessed via the College website:
Mr R Dowling
(Deputy Principal, Years 8 & 11)
THE feast day of St Norbert and his entry into eternal life is celebrated on 6 June. At the College, it is traditional to mark the occasion with a day of celebration. This year, St Norbert Day will be celebrated on Friday, 2 June. See details below:
8:50 – 9:10 : Homeroom
9:10 – 9:35: Students move to the ORC
9:40 – 11:00: College Mass
11:00 – 11:30: Morning Tea
11:30 – 12:15: Staff vs Students Sport
12:15 – 1:40: St Norbert Day Fair
1:30 – 2:00: Pack up stalls and clean up
2:00 – 2:15: Homeroom
2:15 – 3:20 : Concert – ORC
All students are expected to attend school on this special day. If a student is ill and cannot attend school, we request parents contact the College before 8.50 am and if not provided, a follow-up note, email or Direqt message is to be sent to the Homeroom Teacher upon their return to school.
Uniform And Personal Presentation
Students are required to wear their full and correct College tracksuit and House shirt including the College sports socks and sport shoes. If students do not have their FULL College tracksuit, then they must wear their FULL College winter uniform including blazer. The FULL College correct uniform must be worn to and from school and for the College Mass. During the day, students may choose to remain in their shorts and remove their College tracksuit pants and jacket.
Parents are welcome to attend the St Norbert Day Mass in the O’Reilly Centre (which commences at 9:40am). As students will be scheduled a time to be seated for Mass, we request that parents are seated at 9.35am in the reserve seating area at the back of the ORC.
Morning Tea and Lunch
Students will be provided with cake and a drink for morning tea. They have the option of using their pre-purchased tokens to buy their lunch from the many food stalls available during the fair. Otherwise, students can bring their own morning tea and, or lunch. The Café will not be open.
Fair Stalls and Activities
Each Homeroom has organised a stall or activity for the St Norbert Day Lunch Time Fair. Students are asked to contribute by donating items for their stall or activity: chocolates, prizes, a gold coin, etc. All the money made from the fair will be donated to those in need and our College-affiliated charities including Norbie Care, the Community Kitchen in the Kimberley, and Life Link. Students will need to pre-purchase $1 tokens to be used on the day to buy food and beverages and to participate in activities. The tokens will be sold in books of 5 and 10 and also as single $1 tokens.
More details during the next few weeks will be sent to students. We look forward to celebrating St Norbert Day and thank students and staff for their contributions and involvement.
Ms C Abel
(Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)