Vermont Secondary College

VSC Community Association News

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at 7pm in the College staff room. New members welcome!

About Us

 The VSCCA is the social, networking and fundraising arm of VSC and consists of parents keen to be involved in supporting the College’s education of their children. VSCCA members get to hear about and influence the co-curricular and extra-curricular initiatives being implemented by the College and how they may affect our children, plus meet and work with a range of teachers and other parents. 


The VSCCA aims to:

● Contribute to the well-being of the College Community (students, parents/caregivers and staff) 

● Liaise with the College Council and the Principal in identifying needs and concerns within the College Community

● To encourage the participation of all parents/caregivers in the life of the school and the education of their children

● To provide opportunities for parents/caregivers to get to know each other and to be informed about their child’s school and general education issues

● To raise funds for the benefit of the school and disburse these funds as required.


Amongst other things, the VSCCA organises the following events:

● Information evenings/speakers

● Catering for a number of school functions

● Second hand uniform

● Fundraising activities

● Social functions


We actively encourage all parents/guardians to become involved in the VSCCA during 2023.

We really value, appreciate and need your practical support and are a friendly and welcoming group. 

New Year 7 parents who have been actively involved in primary school are urged to bring your experience and energy across to Vermont Secondary College – we’d love your help! 

If you’re interested in finding out more, please drop in for the next meeting (we provide yummy food too!) or email Bec Mitchell (Secretary) on VSCCA@vermontsc.vic.edu.au.



At the AGM held on Wednesday 22 March 2023, the following persons were nominated as Office Bearers/Position Holders for 2023: 


President - Diana Eaves

Vice President - Anna Lucas

Shadow Vice President - Position Vacant 

Treasurer - Lynette Ellis

Secretary - Bec Mitchell

Fundraising/Chocolate Drive - Patrick Jackson

Secondhand Uniforms - Irene Grant, shadowed by Simone Tanner

Publicity - Patrick Jackson, Bec Lalor

Catering - Position Vacant

College Council Representative - Frank Drost, Patrick Jackson

Canteen Committee Representative -

Patrick Jackson


The updated Constitution of the Vermont Secondary College Community Association 2023 was also approved and accepted at the meeting.


We’re always keen to hear new suggestions for fundraising activities. If you can’t attend a meeting, please contact Bec Mitchell on VSCCA@vermontsc.vic.edu.au to let us know your ideas.