Recently at Buckley House continued...

Artwork by  Emily Antoniades, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Sometimes I Forget who I am 

By Leonardo Donarelli, Year 6, Buckley House


Sometimes I forget who I am. I forget why I am here. I forget what I'm doing. I forget everything that leads me to this moment.


My subconscious consumes me and steals my focus away, just like I was never there... When this happens, I begin to search my memory and piece back what I lost. So I begin the dive deep down, into my chamber of memories.


Who am I?

My back is aching! An irritating squeal echoes through the cabin. A little screen plays a movie hazily. I look around. A small panel overhead reads, "China Airlines, Melbourne to Taipei Taoyuan Airport." Of course, my trip to Taiwan. I'm sitting next to someone, my sister, "Nice nap?" she asks politely. I nod tiredly and smile. I pull the plastic curtain up and stare outside at the pitch black, dark clouds floating over the roaring ocean. I remember this memory…


Is this who I am though?

An adventurer? Ready to explore a new land? No, it can't just be this. There must be more. So, I continue my journey, deep down...


In this memory, I'm holding my tennis racquet, anxiously waiting for the opponent to serve. My mind goes haywire. Match point for them, you're gonna lose!

He tosses the ball up and slams his racquet over the ball. The ball rockets through the air at sonic speed. Blood pumps through my body. I extend my arm which feels like it's going to break. Adrenaline driving me, I hit the ball. The ball soars through the air and lands onto the sandy court. Out. My opponent cheers and dread fills my body. Like a ravaging storm on a pleasing sunny day, squeezing all the joy out of my body. I want to scream, at the top of my voice. I never want to stop. Never. I want to cry, and let the waterfall run down my tense face. Luckily though, the downpour never comes.


Is this who I am?

A loser? It can't be. I just have to dive deeper. So I dive again. Deeper and deeper…


I'm running. Faster than ever before. I'm tired though, so insanely tired. The 800m, yes, it has to be. I enter the final corner. I see an opponent following over my shoulder as I enter the final 100m. He goes all out and pulls ahead at extreme speed. 80m left. I begin my sprint, and launch off the ground! I begin to close the gap. 60m left. All out! My heart pumping against my chest. The lactic acid burning my throat. 40m left. Exhale! Inhale! Exhale! Inhale! I reach into my body and begin to clasp all my remaining energy out and utilise it. 20m left. I bound harder and make my legs sprint vigorously. My body screams in pain, but I ignore it, I begin to pull ahead. The finish line in sight...

Now that I'm ahead, things can only get worse from here. In a few unmemorable seconds, it's over.


I'm a victor. A winner. A competitor. That can't be all… I'm more than that. I continue my dive. Deeper than ever before.


I need to find who I am.

I'm sitting in an agonizingly hard chair, my brain buzzing. I stare at the page. A lot of scribbled numbers and letters spread all over the page. Maths? Specifically the Maths Olympiad. What are you concealing? I ask the page. My hand begins to move. It scribbles down words, numbers and images. Minutes pass. I reach closer and closer to solving it. Tell me. My hand continues to move to scribble more and more. I voyage deeper and deeper through the vast world of numbers. I do it. I find the answer. I begin to calm down.


Is this who I am as a learner?

It's not. I need to find myself. So I dive one last time. Deeper and deeper.

I stop. I've hit rock bottom. I'm confused. That's it? Then it comes to me.

I know who I am: I'm a winner, a loser, an adventurer and a learner but best of all I am me. And no one's the same.

I sit back in my chair and stare at the blank piece of paper. I know what to write. My hand begins to move.

Sometimes I forget who I am…


By Lachlan Adams, Year 10, TRC
By Lachlan Adams, Year 10, TRC

Brilliant Blue 

By Kayden Jin, Year 6, Buckley House


Houses are an important aspect of Ivanhoe Grammar School. The system can lead to competitiveness, collaborative behaviour, connection between different year levels and having a taste of victory as well as loss. Here is my perspective on the House, Thoresby.



Thoresby is the BEST House of all,

With every member standing proud and tall!

Brilliant blue shines in the sun,

As vibrant people run and have fun!



Awesome swimmers gliding through the water,

Epic runners faster than an otter!

Players can bash the ball so——far,

Cheerleaders uplift and go HOORAH!!!


Thoresby's collaboration is just unique,

It makes the talents reach their peak!

We like to believe that we are one,

Before the event ends we have already won!



Everyday producing gruesome sweat,

But with this hard work we win, I bet!

Every loss will definitely toughen Thoresby more,

A loss will help us learn and restore.


Clutching the trophy is the dream,

To be the ultimate winning team!

Plenty of first places, both present and past,

But we still accept that we may have come last!


Thoresby is the BEST House of all,

With every member standing proud and tall!

Brilliant blue shines in the sun,

As vibrant people run and have fun!