Winning Words

Artwork by  Alice Williams, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Library Lovers' Day 2023

Micro-fiction Writing Competition 

The (librarian) judges were excited to read the entries and were impressed with the variety of genres: romance, broken hearts, friendships ... and even dystopia, murder, horror, biology and fairytales, amongst so much more. The stories and poems kept them engaged and invested in the narratives and characters. Well done to everyone who entered (over 40 entries!) and congratulations to the most impressive!


How it works: Write a story or poem 100 words or less and must start with the phrase "Only you".

The Winning Entry...

By  Ella Dorman, Year 7, The Ridgeway Campus 


"Only you" he typed onto the typewriter. "Only you are my destiny. "He sighed and scratched his head, pushing the chair out and standing up. He wandered over to the window. Glancing down, Marnus noticed a girl far down on the cobblestone, flipping the pages of a thick book. Her crimson dress flared brightly next to the dull, dead surroundings. A smile creeped across Marnus' lips; this was the girl he loved. Suddenly, a creaking dead tree gave way in the rough wind and Marnus could only watch in horror as it toppled towards the girl in the crimson dress. 


What the judges said: "The opening scene hooked us into what may have been part of a romance novel being written by the main character. Instead, it gives way to not only a 'real romantic distraction, but a tragedy in a drought-stricken setting. The myriad of unknowns and 'what ifs' are open for speculation.


Most impressive: Ella Dorman 7D

Honourable mentions: Ella Dorman 7D & Edie Oldmeadow 7D (joint submission), Ada McLaughlin 8F & Zoe Landsberg 8F