Lights, Camera, Action!

Artwork by  Charli Holcolmbe, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Oliver! Musical Reflection 

By M Wyss, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

This year’s musical Oliver! was a massive success. After 6 months of hard work the company was able to put on four fantastic shows from the 7 -10 March. This is the first Musical that the school has been able to showcase in 3 years, in which time I have grown up and been able to greatly appreciate and understand all the hard work that is put into this show by the Creative Team and Friends Of Ridgeway Theatre (FORT).


Oliver allowed for many people who were a part of the project to build both their confidence and their abilities in performing. It let the younger cast members learn new skills with it being their first performance at the school, and also allowed senior students to not only build their skill set but help teach the younger students.

Harry Sze, Year 9, UC
Harry Sze, Year 9, UC

I personally enjoyed the experience of being in Oliver, not only because I love to perform but as the community is such a strong and beautiful place. It is a safe space for so many students and a place full of kind and compassionate people who got to build their connection during the span of this project. It was incredible to be a part of a community that feels like a second home, as well as watch as people got to express themselves freely.

I would also like to send my appreciation to Mr Murphy as without him and his absolute dedication, this project wouldn’t have been possible.

Ella Samuels, Year 12, TRC
Ella Samuels, Year 12, TRC


Oliver! production 

By Oscar He, Year 9, University Campus

Every year, The Ridgeway Campus performs a school musical, allowing students across all year levels to participate in a wholesome and outstanding experience. The musical performed this year was Oliver!, a story that follows a young orphan boy, through ups and downs on his journey for a better life.

Students had to rehearse their parts for months to make sure the production was of an incredible standard. Weeks and weeks of practicing after school was extremely difficult, so many cast members had to dig deep and find the strength to push through. They had to balance rehearsals, school and personal life in the many months leading up to the performance which should be applauded.

The crew and band played a significant role in the musical, and some would say it wouldn’t be of the same quality without them. The band, which had to learn 50 songs for the play, rehearsed for a couple hours each week and practiced their parts at home for a couple months. They put in a lot of effort for what would eventually be a great performance. The crew also spent a substantial amount of time learning how to operate lighting, backstage work, costumes, general assistance and more. They invested time and energy into creating the best possible atmosphere for everyone.

Because most of the cast, crew and band had not been in a musical before, a lot of learning was to be done ahead of time. Many mistakes were made so students had to quickly acquire the skills to be part of the show and gain learning experiences from the teachers, older students and professionals.

Mr Murphy, Mr Vaughan and a few other people played an influential role in the making of Oliver. Not only did they dedicate many long hours of work to it, but also organised rehearsals, sent out administration emails, coordinated the actors to the band and much more. Without the ridiculous amount of work they and others put into it, it wouldn’t have been of the same excellence.

Once it came to production night, everyone was feeling slightly nervous as it was the first time for many and a big moment for many people. Due to the hard work and effort put into preparation up to that point, the show ran smoothly, with only minor setbacks. As the week progressed, the performances got better because mistakes were learnt from and used to do better the following night.

In conclusion, Oliver was an incredible musical and the audience will cherish the memory of it for years to come.